What an unpleasant person you are. So hostile. So excitable.
What an unpleasant person you are. So hostile. So excitable.
When I was her age, I really didn’t have a tummy. My thighs, however. Everything went there and still does. I truly would wake up with a bigger ass and thighs when I over ate. Still do, and my back fat, holy cow!
Thank you for not raining excessive outrage down on me. I don't drink much, and did consider booze, but you may well be right.
It's becoming hilarious to me how outraged so many of you are at the idea of my suggesting she might be pregnant. You equate pregnancy with fat. I don't.
Jesus. You really do take offense easily. Why are you so upset? TS is very fit. She looks lovely in her bikini. But that’s not a food baby.
Why does that offend you? She is a fit and healthy young woman. She clearly works out. She has a tummy that seems full. Not fat. Not bloated.
Is she pregnant? She is very slender. But her tummy is bulging. In the pregnant way.
Well stated!!!
I can see why the father was reluctant to officiate. I’d be surprised to read they made it a year.
A similar one is the overflowing toilets and bathtub dream.
Was your bladder extremely full upon awakening?
Come on. This is peanuts to that chain, and life destroying to the families.
I’m a parent. I think the reporter did nothing wrong. Police shooting suspects is a major issue in our country. It’s legitimate news. And, like it or not, family reactions have been part of the TV landscape for many years.
Police speak is for purposes of some kind of clarity, or what the police think is clarity. That’s how terms like “blue in color” happen. That doesn’t make it good communication.
I spent 25 years teaching at a university. It is only used as a modifier, as in “female subject.”
It’s the kind of usage that makes any reasonably well educated person cringe inside. And I’ve never encountered a male who referred to women as “females” who wasn’t an idiot misogynist.