Mad Madam Mim: The Revenge

Only two people touched my belly while I was pregnant, and they were related to each other, (aunt and niece), and it was at a funeral for the aunt’s husband. I was both too shocked, and too cowed by the setting, to stop them.

And furthermore—would people care?”

It’s less that it will stay good for years, and more that it arrives pre-staled, so you don’t have to. ;)

The last question relates to my recent disagreement with my husband. We also have a Mazda 3, from 2008 with a lot of miles on it. We were planning some travel recently, and I thought we should drive, as it would be cheaper and easier with our toddler. He thought that if we were driving, we should rent a car, because

10 boxes of spaghetti doesn’t even seem like buying in bulk to me. 50lbs of rice is in bulk, I suppose, but my husband eats so much rice that that just feels like a normal amount to me.

I would not consider coffee non-perishable.  It gets stale very quickly.

My MIL loves Costco, and she will get on kicks where she will bring us things we like in quantities we absolutely cannot accommodate. For awhile we had too many gallons of olive oil (a nice problem to have, if our place wasn’t so small. She would bring us like a gallon every two weeks). Then I looked under a sink and

I thought the entire point of boiled eggs is to avoid butter?  If I’m going to add butter, I might as well fry or scramble my eggs, which will take much less time.

Getting my December credit card statement was, honestly, plenty to slap me back to reality.  I enjoy the excess of the holidays, just as I enjoy the decorations.  But when January rolls around, I am more than ready to put them both away.  It feels good.

My email and voicemail management leaves a lot to be desired.  Like, a whole lot.

In my building, they took away our normal size wastebaskets, and replaced them with ones that are just big enough to hold two tall Starbucks cups. We still have our normal size recycling bins. Now pretty much everyone does a combination of collecting garbage on top of their desk all week, and wishcycling, because we

Your on a plane its not like i can abscond with them (plus why the fuck would i want someone elses kids).”

In the LA Metro: not using signals for turns and lane changes (I swear, people here treat turn signals like a finite resource that must be preserved for only the most important occasions). And people feeling entitled to run red lights because the person 3 cars ahead of them blew through the yellow. I’m sorry sport,

Meanwhile, for those of us who love old movies, buying DVDs and downloads is still our best bet.


You don’t think uncharitably ascribing motivations to other people because they see things differently from you is selfish?

So.. are you saying that you’ve never felt someone has wasted your time (whether you’re in a rush or w/e the reason) by being late?”

Happy to. One problem is chronic optimism. The best bits of advice here for me are: “Always add three minutes of ‘out the door time,’” and,Always add the length of one screw-up to your estimated travel time.” I’m working on adding this padding to my travel time, but it surprises me every day.

Sure.  I understand that early people are judging.  But the advice is meant for late people who are trying to get places on time.  Telling us to think about how frustrated we feel when others are late is not productive, because we aren’t frustrated when others are late. We’re fine with it.