
That’s extra manipulative on the hoaxer’s part. I’m sorry.

Yeah, the funny thing is, I don’t tune out news of other types of death. I’m not seeking it out for funsies, but long illness is a much bigger fear of mine than other types of death. But yeah, I certainly don’t plan to tune out important info when it happens in real life.

I agree with what you are saying here, but, Hollywood also puts more premium, for women, on being young than on being experienced. Since the industry goes out of its way to avoid hiring women who have a lot of experience (i.e. are old), paying less because a woman has less experience seems extra punishing.

Yeah, my grandpa kissed my dad on the lips when they were in their 80s and 60s respectively. I was just at a meeting with an older woman in her 80s, and I met her sixty-something grown son, and she kissed him on the lips too. I also kissed my parents on the lips into adulthood, and there was not any funny business

Question: Do we think this is first step toward munchausen by proxy?

So here’s my question: Prom King, Cool Guy, Charisma, Charm...are women allowed to have these things generally? Forget politics for a second, in any arena, do we allow ourselves to think of women as cool, charismatic, and charming, and do we allow women to cultivate those characteristics? Because if we eventually

Yeah. I fucking loathe that man.

What did Booker do?

Unless you were actually trying to get pregnant, you would be very unlikely to know. At 6 weeks, your period is only two weeks late.

Yeah, I can’t decide whether this means I should have zero kids or four.

We had a navy room with lime accents in 1997. :)

I do love split pea soup with ham.

It’s a pretty color. I have some napkins in that shade. I’m just glad we are done with that horrible “gender reveal party” color duo from 2016. It looked like a watercolor book page of Sleeping Beauty’s color-change dress that I had as a kid. I hated watercolor books (Give me crayons or real watercolors. I have

I don’t think that an ‘effeminate’ gay man is appropriating femininity from women. I just don’t think the argument of “But what about women wearing pants” is an effective argument against the idea.

“I mean, am I appropriating manliness when I wear a pantsuit and boss people around at work?”

I usually think of it less as me being penetrated by them, and more of them being subsumed by me.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It was racism. They hungered for “change” that would “change it back to the racial hierarchy of yesteryear.” And being a successful President is about the most offensive thing Obama could have done. Had he failed miserably, they would feel comforted and confirmed in their worldview. But a successful President?

Nah, fuck these people.

Are any of these things true?

I mean, I’ve been trying to avoid saying this, because it is the evil in her soul that is important, but she looks pretty evil. I’m going to stop typing right now, because some gendered and unfeminist comment will happen if I don’t, but she is at least as hard to look at as Ted Cruz.