
I’m disappointed in myself for not seeing where that was headed before it got there.

Who do I root for? On one side, we have a nonverbal orange-haired monster, concocted by capital to appeal to and siphon money from unsophisticated rubes, who has irritatingly saturated social media and (perhaps due to forces somewhat beyond his control) politicized sports. The other is Gritty.

“Before the ocean and the earth appeared— before the skies had overspread them all—the face of Nature in a vast expanse was naught but Gritty uniformly waste.”

I have to admit, most of these celebrations are pretty dumb, but that was pretty funny.

She thinks she is the only one, she thinks there are no other victims. 

C’Mon Rose...get over yourself. The movement was always about more than you. I feel bad for your pain, but you can’t erase that by bullying other survivors. Maybe you’re not invited places because you’re sort of a dick who wants to control the narrative? Maybe? Ya think?

I think those guys are super adorbs together.  Who takes longer to get ready you think? 

Here’s the horrid lesson being taught: Unless you can magically produce corroborating evidence on your own, don’t come forward. No one will believe you, no matter how credible you or your account is.

SPOILER ALERT: They don’t give a single fuck about women. They only acknowledge the existence of sexual assault when they can use it to turn women into a pawn.

I’m pretty sure all of this has given me an ulcer. 

Soon enough, voting itself won’t even matter.

You say that like you expected intellectual honesty and consistency. 

That’s because the former allows them to attack trans people, while the latter allows them to protect conservative assailants.

Dr. Ford’s letter was kept private at Dr. Ford’s request - you’re just regurgitating Republican talking points.

Ativan is to planes as cheese is to pizza.

So last year they were worried about women being assaulted in bathrooms now a year later they won’t believe a woman when she says she was assaulted. 

But it doesn’t even have to be political.

Yes, Dr Ford was loud, belligerent, emotionally unrestrained, and presented wild conspiracy theories about who opposed her appear in court.

There’s no good reason for her to continue to have press briefings, as she has yet to output a single piece of factual, usable information.

This treatment is the kinda shit that turns people from hopeful immigrants who respect America to terrorists and criminals who want to burn it all down.