
Yeah, sounds like the level-headed temperament of a Supreme Court Justice.

If you’ve ever been abused, you heard the voice of an abuser.

The attack on the Clintons on “the left” is so fucking bizarre for SC nominee!


We live in a country devoted to due process and the rule of law. That means taking allegations seriously.

“This confirmation process has become a national disgrace”

Graham then issued a bizarre threat, saying, “Let me tell you my Democratic friends—if this is the new norm, you’d better watch out for your nominees.”

He’s my favorite lesbian in the Senate.

Can someone please explain to me how the extremely numerous religious “homosexuality is a sin!” conservative voters of SC are apparently completely oblivious to the fact that Lindsay Graham is very gay?

Yeah, weird that people would interpret an accumulation of accusations as additional evidence of misconduct rather than remain in some imaginary state of reserved judgment.

George Washington owned a ton of slaves, so yeah I’d HOPE we’d vote against him today.

Something something emails, vagina, Pizzagate, emails, Benghazi.

This is an obvious realization, but fuck, we could have remade the Supreme Court. Obama got two nominees, Clinton could have had two in the first two years of her presidency (hell, possibly three if RBG found that she liked her replacement). If we could have gotten a full 16 years of Democratic presidents, we could

Whenever I see him with this expression on his face, which is a lot, I always have the exact same thought: How could a person who is this fucking stupid have possibly become President of the United States?

That was like watching a monkey trying to fuck a football, but messier and it made less sense.

Spare yourself. Don’t watch the conference. You won’t learn anything you don’t already know about Trump and his world view.

We are in the shadow realm, the phantom zone, the upside down, the sunken place.

Rich white kids are our most precious asshole resource.

So I guess anyone in jail or prison for crimes they committed while 17 or younger is just going to be released today, right? Because nothing could possibly have been serious enough to try them as adults or ruin their futures, right?