Why is this picture so funny to me?
Why is this picture so funny to me?
What a total piece of shit. Although being a hurricane truther is about what we should except from the asshole that started birtherism.
He could be (and probably should be) the best informed human being on the planet, and he doesn’t know the fucking weather forecast being broadcast on any of six or seven national news networks.
The president of the USA is now denying that people did not die, when they did. That is a giant neon sign 500 feet high, fireworks going off all around it, that says “I have dementia, please put me in a care facility before I hurt myself”, but what does the USA do?
He even got wrong that the hurricane is getting “more powerful” - it’s actually lost some windspeed in the last 12 hours. That’s not a complaint at all regarding the strength of the storm. It’s more an observation that even when he could get something simple correct, even just one actual, real fact in a burst of…
I’m sure the families of those people in Puerto Rico are relieved to know that their loved ones are not dead.
I bet they tithe like a mother fucker though.
Have fun arguing that to a judge. Government action based on political speech? And Nike has money, so you know they're going to sue.
You should buy the dinner, then burn it on camera! That'll really show 'em (as they count the money you gave them)!
the bar to get elected to office in the NO suburbs is really, really low.
I've never seen a Hobby Lobby at church. Just saying.
Its only ok when its right wing people doing it.
Also, how can he quantify this as political? Is it not a social issue?
If corporations are people, wouldn’t it be a violation of Nike’s first amendment rights for a government entity to boycott or ban their products based on their speech?
Given that SCOTUS ruled in Citizens United that political contributions are a form of political speech entitled to 1A protections, I hope Mayor Zahn wasn’t planning on the city buying anything from any company that’s ever donated to any elected official or PAC, anywhere.
“My decision disallowing Nike from profiting from our taxpayers while they are using their powerful voice as a political tool is my message. This government will not let taxpayer dollars be used to promote a company’s or individual’s political position, platform or principle. That’s my position as a matter of fairness…
We don’t need anymore old white men fucking things up. Try again.
I’m curious—do you regard your ability to loathe murderers as unique? Do you think that position is somehow so novel that you have to shout it.
“Have we discarded all hope of reform?”
Counter counterpoint: Man, those citations were from a long-ass time ago.