The sad thing is that this is the 200th time this particular groundhog has died this particular way.
The sad thing is that this is the 200th time this particular groundhog has died this particular way.
Now the real question: Will Madden depict him accurately?
Sorry but Kanye has never been shit to me. He’s as empty & soulless as the woman he calls his spouse
I hate the new Kanye
“Ever since Trump won it proved I could be President,” the track begins.
You sure overexplained that.
That Spider-Man scene was so brief but so brilliant. The sheer dread and fear was palpable, especially considering Parker’s age. It’s completely different than say if Stark died. His sort of thinking is that if he has to pay the price of death, so be it. However, he is not going to back down to anything or anyone…
So... first off... SO many people missing the point about the deaths. Yes, I’m sure it feels great to brag about how much smarter you are because you know they’re coming back... and how everyone else is stupid... but it’s not about YOU, it’s about the story, the narrative. From the point of view of the characters…
I’m pretty sure the Peter and Tony scene will break EVERYBODY’S hearts. It was milked like a cow sure, but it still really hurt, Tom Holland sold the shit out of that scene.
“Mr. Stark, I don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go” I WAS AND AM STILL A MESS EVEN IF HE’S COMING BACK.
Yep. Income goes up, student loan payments go up. We had some setbacks (emergency surgery YAAAAY) that resulted in $20,000 of credit card debt, which we’re paying down steadily (no “emergency fund,” whatever unrealistic privileged horse dung that is).
You’ll probably get a lot of responses saying “It’s not that hard, just eat out less!” or “give up your daily cup of Starbucks and put it in savings!”
Right???!!! Can’t believe they didn’t discuss/don’t get that.
This article misses the point
The reason American workers don’t save isn’t because they don’t have special accounts to save in
The reason American workers don’t save is BECAUSE THEY DON’T MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO SAVE
Settle down now. If a game gives you the option of playing solo then it’s perfectly fine to evaluate that aspect. A lot of people were probably wondering how it is for one.
“AI leaders afflicted with the dreaded spelling bee bug obsess over things like religion, sometimes to their own detriment, because they have no default values for other important qualities.”
This article reminds me of a quote I saw somewhere that was something along the lines of “You know you’re finally an adult when you start agreeing with the parents in kid’s movies.” Like Ariel’s dad. “But Daddy, I love him!” Um, no, you’re 16 and literally just met the guy. Sit down, and eat your seaweed (I assume…
Persephone, a.k.a. “Princess Fluffyfoot”.
I’m the manliest of men.