Garrus Targaryen

It’s unsettling to me how few people seem to remember the bruhaha over GOP ties to voting machine manufacturers back in 2002 or whenever, when we were all told, “nah, it’ll be fine”.

So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s bones and then closed up the place with flesh. And from the bone that the LORD God had taken from the man, he made into a woman and brought her to the man. And the woman said, “Fucking Binghamton??”

Tim Tebow: Doctor, I’d like to have the bone made into a wife.

Here’s two I saw

Disney didn’t take immediate action. She had a history of racist and anti-Semitic and homophobic tweets before she got her show back. it was just the second time she made a NEW tweet that she was fired. James Gunn didn’t make any NEW tweets about it. Not double standard at all once you get the context and situations

For the rest of the century, conservatives have their playbook and it’s fucking Gamergate.

Idea: Don’t spend six-figures on a rapidly-depreciating asset that is a physical manifestation of your wife’s disappointment.

It’s gonna be quite the shock when one of those kids poops out a bunch of fake treasure. 

Thank you, Al Gore, for saving those children from an inevitable death at the hands of ManBearPig. Excelsior!

My gf cosplayed as #bbqbecky at Fanime

But those panel gaps tho

Look, Trump’s real skill in business has always been bankruptcy. Now that he’s running the world economy, what did you honestly think would happen? He even found a way to lose money running a casino.

Robots and automation require skilled technicians and engineers to setup and maintain, albeit far fewer employees than would be required without the automation. We’re doing our best to prevent this scenario and keep old school manufacturing jobs around by gutting our education system. You can’t engineer automated

Don’t you be touching my Golf R, I’m still years away from affording one.

I can’t afford to pay for a $100 bus ticket every break.”

As of course is tradition.