except carbon composites like this are amazingly impact resistant..... so you just get jalop troll of the day
except carbon composites like this are amazingly impact resistant..... so you just get jalop troll of the day
Can you win comment of the day if your comment is actually wrong? Carbon fiber can be stiffer and tougher than aluminum or steel.
I saw a video (amateur) of a demonstration of how strong carbon fiber can be. Boeing was explaining to airline representatives why they would want a (composite) 787. They encouraged airline representatives to hit a sample of 787 skin with a punch an 5lb sledge. A hit like that would go straight through aluminum OR…
Except unidirectional carbon fiber is stronger and more durable than aluminum.
Two direction carbon fiber has more stiffness against weight and resistance to damage than aluminum. Unidirectional is even stronger than two-direction. Carbon fiber even exceeds steel in some tests when talking about resistance to damage.
How about a different take on #2
“A woman I was interested in told me that she was the victim of revenge porn, so I went to find the videos of her so I could watch them myself behind her back and didn’t tell her about it.”
The PNW doesn’t do it either, it’s just I5 or I90 no “the”.
My favorite joke that was made was that the only two white guys in the movie are Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo Baggins, and Andy Serkis who played Gollum, making them the Tolkien white guys.
My Sisyphean punishment for Bill Belichick is for him to have a hoodie with long sleeves that grow back immediately after he tears them off.
Donald Trump was forced to eat a consolation Big Mac, instead of his celebratory Big Mac. Fuck him.
I drink his tears. But only because they’re perfectly pH balanced to my body’s chakra and infused with minerals and a lemon flavor.
Imagine the “shoulda kept Garappolo” takes if Hoyer has to come in and throws a game sealing interception in the final minutes.
Just Photoshop in “Memorial Arena” on the second line of the sign and I’d totally buy that. Even the font looks municipal grade
Fucking hell you old farts. Like it or not, the DH is part of the game. Martinez belongs in the Hall.
You deserve all of the stars for that vanity plate alone
If 2017 taught us anything it is this.