Garrus Targaryen

37 is Renton, 87 is Everett.

I can’t wait to read all the stories about yuppie Whole Foods shoppers drinking artisan parasite water and getting dysentery.

I also won my fantasy league, and I also get a cheap-ass trophy with my name and my team name on it, and it is indeed fantastic. The money? shit, the money’s gone already. But I will have a trophy for at least a calendar year, and my name will be on it until the league’s eventual final winner decides to throw it in

I hope they close on the house just in time for it to be seized because they were arrested for money laundering and conspiracy.

I wish someone besides Tesla would make a cool looking EV. The Model 3 is a bit out of my price range and I strongly dislike the interior, but it’s a generally nice looking car. The Bolt and the Leaf look like masticated jelly beans.

I think the first 10 minutes of Up have convinced everyone it’s a great movie. The first 10 minutes are great. Dug is adorable. It’s OK. It’s not great.

I bought a Steam Link for $5 during a recent-ish sale, just to give it a try. It’s actually great for my library of PC games that work better with a controller than mouse/keyboard (Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, Fractured But Whole, etc.). Also I’d rather not move my tower. It’s annoying enough to move it when I change

Lol free i7, mobo, and gtx 1080. You cheating bastard!

Man, you can’t leave Edgar out by less than one percent! Hashtag Free The DH! It’s been a thing for 45 years already!

Washingtonian with family in Oregon, here. It was always a trip visiting the folks and having to sit in the car waiting for an attendant to come over. Like, I always want to say, “don’t trouble yourself, buddy. I know how to do it.”

I really dig that powder blue on the Focus RS.

I think this might be the first time I’ve (understood and) laughed at Life in Aggro.

Impressive display of fatalist defeatism.

A few weeks ago I Riley’d myself... that is, I committed to giving Witcher 3 an honest try. I’d played a little bit before, didn’t really grab me.

I’m getting a big raise in October, and I’m gonna go buy my first new car... a Golf R.

Silly Bono. Men have plenty of outlets for anger. Like Twitter and Fox News. And AM Radio. And Reddit. And Street Corners. And YouTube comment sections. And Facebook. Work... the bus.... restaurants.... *trails off listing every place...*

Get a set of snow tires and/or chains and pocket the other $9000+.

A kia sedan and a toyota suv. got it.

I feel like I would have thought that “Turn up on the Weekend” song was a parody if I hadn’t read anything about it before hitting play. Terrible.

Godzilla would crush Santa Claus, a man who has been previously defeated (and killed!) by Tim Allen’s slippery roof shingles.