It doesn’t surprise me that the bulk of this game was slapped together in 18 months. The stuff that was progressing well over the course of the entire dev cycle—combat, Nomad specifically—definitely shows; that stuff is the best part of the game.
alongside the hopes of Mariners fans, which should be indefinitely disabled at this point.
Civ 6. Been a couple months since I played it last, and what the heck happened to the AI? Civs I just met are denouncing me and declaring war. Sometimes two civs on the same turn. Even the supposed pacifist/defensive ones like India and Australia. I play on a pretty low difficulty, so it’s not killing the game for me,…
Fuuuuck you, dude. Just have the manager file an incident report, have medical treat the injuries, and have the shop coordinate with EHS to fix the fucking safety hazard.
*raises hand*
Radio silence after that tweet. He didn’t fix the typo and tweet what he actually meant, he hasn’t deleted it almost 2 hours later... did he stroke out on the john like Elvis? Do we dare hope?
I don’t follow e-sports hardly at all, but I hope she wins just to spite all these salty dudes she’s playing against.
Thanks to MLB The Show, I know both of these teams and the Yard Goats’ terrible color scheme!
The sanctimony of sports writers (not deadspin, y’all aight) is very tiresome. They deserve to be taken down a peg.
The “mobility” shift was a mistake, so they promote the guy running the “mobility” division?
The Boeing 747-200 is an aluminum tube, not a steel one.
Finished my Andromeda playthrough a few weeks ago... almost 100 hours on the dot. It’s making me hesitant to jump in again, kinda like DA:O... Only played that one all the way through twice. Just the thought of doing all that stuff again makes me run in the other direction. I’ll wait until some DLC drops to come back,…
- Union vs. non-union workmanship. Honda is a non-union shop, and employment is retained through job performance, skill level, and continual training/education. Cars are going to be much better built than those produced by lazy, complacent union workers, who don’t necessarily have to worry about losing their jobs if…
I can get my mountain bike in my ‘02 Focus sedan if I put the back seat down for trunk access.
Don’t the Dolphins also have an ownership group filled with a bunch of minor celebs? What is it with Miami? Do the Heat also have a weird arrangement like this?
I grew up playing Where in _____ is Carmen Sandiego. The World, Time, didn’t matter. Loved all that shit.
Lulz “it might not continue but it’s permanent.”
Came for Wonderboy reference, leaving satisfied.