For a decade or more, really. I remember switching sides a couple times during the intel-amd war back in the day... celeron vs duron!
For a decade or more, really. I remember switching sides a couple times during the intel-amd war back in the day... celeron vs duron!
I only recently updated my GPU from a 770 to a 1070, and that’s just because this Mass Effect fanboy wanted Andromeda to look as pretty as possible. The 770 could still do quite well in BF1, FO4, etc.
Looking forward to “Call of Duty: The Call of Duty” in 2027.
You do realize, of course, that Battlefield 1 misrepresents 99.999999% of every battle because it is a video game in which matches take approximately 20 minutes instead of many, many months.
I dig this, I wish more games did this with their build-a-player mode.
The question on everyone’s minds is: what about our porn browsing? Everyone’s, right? Not just mine?
Lock him up and throw away the key.
I settled on 4K/High settings during my Origin Access trial. It runs a very Switch-like 30fps with occasional slight drops below that. GTX 1070, i7-3770k. it’s gorgeous and playable.
Speaking as someone who is very ho-hum about Zelda, I will say that the guardian lasers and explosions look pretty dope.
My beef with inquisition was the short, gated main story. If it didn’t stop you and tell you to collect more influence, you could probably breeze through the main quest in like 8 or 10 hours. And once you defeated the demon army at the grey warden fortress, corypheus stopped being scary.
Yes, he is a salarian named Tann. Saying any more would be spoilers.
I’m about 6 hours into my MEA trial and I’m thoroughly enjoying it so far. Doesn’t give me goosebumps like my first playthrough of ME1, but nothing will do that anymore. I’ve got like 1000 hrs combined in the original trilogy.
Maybe he should have deep seated hatred for his dad for his colossal stupidity, selling off his stock at a loss during a downturn.
Unknown, though I would guess yes because what studio doesn’t love making sequels?
Asari. They’re supposed to look like that. They were sort of paying homage to the stereotypical Star Trek “beautiful green/blue” aliens.
I think Scott’s better in some spots, Sara is better in others. Pretty decent overall. Definitely better than ManShep in ME1. But that is a low bar to clear, admittedly.
It seems overly antagonistic to me. From the few playthroughs I’ve watched so far, my opinion is that the RPS pre-review is exaggerating the flaws and either not mentioning or paying lip service to the good parts.
Thanks, I did watch all that stuff prior (I’ve been glued to ME:A promotions for months). I was just looking at it from the perspective of someone who wasn’t as big a ME nerd as me. Seemed like quite a jarring intro for someone who’s never been to the Andromeda Initiative website. Like 90 seconds in, we’re already in…