Man, if my Hand of Rag broke after getting the Eye to drop, and then farming all those mats for the hammer, I’d be super pissed.
Man, if my Hand of Rag broke after getting the Eye to drop, and then farming all those mats for the hammer, I’d be super pissed.
Answered my own question with a different YouTube vid. That was literally the beginning of the game (minus menu screens and character creation).
I have a Q, Patricia, if you ever see it hidden down here in the greys... just a simple yes/no would suffice. I’m super hyped and trying avoid any more spoilers.
Confused sounds like a dickhead who’s trying to rationalize cheating on someone who he admits may be wife material with someone he barely knows.
NFL cheerleaders are an unorthodox invite for a poetry event. I mean, I guess their game day chants rhyme?
I find Zelda’s lack of music, billed by some as a feature, kind of annoying. I’ve taken to playing a skyrim track in the background when I watch Zelda streams.
Lynch over Alexander all day every day, homie.
The driver says the vehicle’s Forward Collision Warning didn’t initiate, which would’ve alerted the driver in some fashion if an object is within the vehicle’s path.
They really should just go 3rd party already. My history with Ninty closely resembles yours, and if BoW had a PS4 version, I would buy it tomorrow (or Friday I guess, since that’s when it comes out).
I am in no way defending the south
Andrew Garfield was a crotchety old Spider-Man? I thought Andrew Garfield was that Facebook loser with the crazy girlfriend.
I’m just amazed he played 16 games. He’s got glass ankles.
The fuck is wrong with you?
Before scrolling down to read comments, my first thought was, “Why? Was he playing Diablo or something?” Well done.
Sort of tangential to the topic, but hey remember when congressional Dem bigwigs were warning members not to go on the Daily Show and/or Colbert Report? That was a trip, eh? What is it about liberals/Democrats/reality-based persons that makes them avoid friendly media and also want to charge into the teeth of hostile…
Automation is just a fact of life. I build parts for the Boeing 777X composite wing in a building that is largely automated. Currently the work is hand layup, but automation is being developed to make the process go faster. Shops are going to shed workers as they become more automated; I dunno how we’re supposed to…
Look Holmes, I work in the Boeing Everett factory. It is a closed shop. Union members aren’t necessarily members because they believe in organized labor. Some are members because they have to be. There’s a lot of Brodozers with Trump stickers in the parking lots.
Maybe juice up the profit sharing incentives the next time the contract is up for negotiation.
If the Democratic party hadn’t abandoned union rank and file to chase the money dragon, union rank and file might have been less disinclined to vote for a fascist wildcard.
Habits like being a QB in an offense designed to minimize QB hits?