
He favors the Spencers generally, but the resemblance to Diana’s sister Sarah is strong.

George VI and the Queen Mum did not have an arranged marriage. They met, many times, through friends and developed a relationship like normal, sane, non-Prince Charles people do. She actually turned him down the first time he proposed but he eventually won her over.

Has anyone else noticed an uptick in the volley of anti-Diana propaganda from the royal family lately or is that just me? If they’re trying to portray Diana as a villain to make the Queen Consort Camilla thing more palatable, it is not going to work. Diana is single-handedly responsible for turning the tide of public

she didnt have a clue about what was going on when she got married to him. i have no sympathy for emotional, physical cheaters

Spineless. Diana had more guts in her pinky. But: poor everyone.

But then he went through with it figuring mumsie wouldn’t be queen for too much longer and then he’d have kingly duties to keep him busy and what not.

I saw the show this weekend. Some of these essays make me wonder if the protesters viewed the rest of the show, which is more than half artists of color/female artists. More specifically, I’m curious how those who are offended reconcile the Henry Taylor painting that is also on view a floor above; a graphic and

I find this complicated because while I agree with what critics say I also believe that no one has the right to tell an artist what they can and can not do when it comes to their art and what they depict. That is called censorship, regardless of the intention or source. So.... yeah..... complicated.

True story - back when I was a teen, I took a gun course (I was into target shooting for awhile). Part of the course covered the laws concerning using your gun in self defence. The instructor was explaining the rules for shooting an intruder who enters your home (whether the intruder was armed, what they were armed

So, here’s the thing. You are absolutely right about formula. And you’re right that breast milk is marketed really aggressively, to the point that women constantly feel bad for being unable to do it.

I had so.many arguments over formula feeding. I am technically somebody who is “able” to nurse (physically, I mean). Nothing wrong with the boobs. But I’m a bipolar woman who takes lithium. Lithium is a “black label” drug, meaning it is known to cause birth defects and pass through breastmilk into the baby. I stopped

I notice how your little missive is all about the babies. Seems you dont give much of a crap about the mothers - but the breastfeeding hysterics generally never do, so its nothing surprising.

Excuse me but I breastfed my three kids and now they all developed super powers, one of them flies, the other is invisible at will and the third one can climb walls and turn into a shadow.

So stop clicking on fucking articles about her? Try it.

Or, as sisters, they have already discussed this a lot and were able to disassociate so they could discuss it on national television. There is something call the neurobiology of trauma where your brain does all sorts of chemical releasing to protect itself from feeling pain. If you honestly think these women have no

People who go through a traumatic event(s) have to re-tell their story many times over: to the police, to Gov’t officials, MDs, therapists, Bosses, fam + friends. It’s physically exhausting to be in full-freak out meltdown mode at each retelling. When traumatized ppl speak of their experience(s), they’re vulnerable to

“I will turn this into my art like every other aspect of my life” — fixed that for you

I know it’s very trendy to crap on the Kardashians and reality TV in general. We all feel ever so much better about ourselves when we can dismiss reality stars as vulgar and less than any other form of performer. But it is a form of

It was creepier when I was looking at it and thinking, “IT’S GOT NO EYES!!!”

ding ding ding! you win! first comment to shit on her!