no makeup look: “you look soooo much better without makeup on”
Whatever happened to unicorns being the hot bi chick DTF significantly less attractive het couples?
WOW. Rowen makes fun of a certain kind of leftist, and one appears on the post! one who is completely unaware of how they come across! with two strawmen right at the beginning of his screed! Wow Rowen, you have magic powers to make douchbags appear!
Nonono. It’s not her EMAILS, but is uncharismatic and [something about rigged primaries and the Dems not learning their lesson]. I mean, everyone might hate her and while that’s partially because of society’s misogyny, that also means she should stop being so shrill and go disappear, forever, unless I think she should…
That’s the thing, “a guy I’d share a beer with” really shouldn’t be a metric we use for electing people to office. It’s fucking maddening that people didn’t vote for Hilary because they just didn’t like her. I don’t care if the president is a boring, buttoned-up douche, as long as they get the job done and don’t hurt…
Let’s not forget how GWB always spoke out against Islamophobia even though many Muslim Americans didn’t trust him. He kept emphasizing that it was un-American to look down at Muslims and he celebrated freedom of religion as 100% American. All that is gone now with Trump Shitstain.
Bush was just a little dim and lacked eloquence for a president.
I was particularly troubled by interview with the family of the two young girls. The doctor, Hultcrantz, kept blocking the translator from relaying questions to the mother about whether the illness might be learned or contagious. I think Dr. Hultcrantz’s motives are ok, but she seems to have an agenda that may be…
As the doctor in the piece says, no one knows because no one tries for fear of looking like they’re accusing the kids of faking. This comment section is a great example, anyone who is mentioning how this is at least in part mass hysteria is being called a bigot.
Her mom spent a hell of a lot of time answering questions about her husband actions/words. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have to field questions from both the anti-Bill and anti- Hilary camps. 10/10 would not deal with that.
I am sympathetic to these childrens’ plight, but the nuance here is that these children are, as the article states, not from active war zones. Sweden’s refugee centers are legitimately overcrowded and overwhelmed and facing a huge influx of children from actual ongoing warzones- Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Children from…
This really missed the point of the article. I’m Swedish and I remember when this was a major issue years ago. Swedish doctors encouraged these symptoms and let the poor children waste away. That is why it is an issue that only exists in Sweden.
Hi. I’m part Ukrainian. We do not say “Russia is a great country,” we say “Russia is great country,” please get your grammar straight. ;)
Disagree with you on one point. During her term as Secretary of State, she was very popular. Popular enough that there was a lot of talk that Obama should have/was going to replace Biden with Clinton on the 2012 ticket. But once she left the office and Republicans had a new target to put on the Clintons, they dragged…
My ex voted for Gary Johnson and his family were all Trumpsters. When Trump won I reeled around and shouted at him, “This is ALL YOUR FAULT! You and your fucking HILLBILLY FAMILY!” That was a major point of contention between us.
I was literally (and I do mean literally) drunk for 85% of that relationship if anyone is…