
Right. They showed London, Paris and other cities all over the world.

Both of Bonaparte's parents would have to be Wesen for him to be so powerful. The Royals are mortals but hire Wesen to carry out their dirty deeds. I doubt Bonaparte has any Royal in him

Renard had only one parent that is Wesen where both of Bonaparte's parents were Wesen.

For him to be a full fledged Zauberbiest, his father would have to be one and the mother a hexenbiest. Renard's mother was a hexenbiest and his father a Royal which a Royal is not supernatural like Wesen and Grimm. That is the main reason Bonaparte was so powerful MN

Remember he lost a lot of the weapons no thanks to Juliette burning the trailer down. They did manage to salvage a few from the fire then stored them in the Spice Shop until they moved them to the tunnel.

Plus she had a large crush on Renard but he was banging her mother

It was mentioned in an episode back that hexenbiests have a choice as to which way to go but they have to really work on not wanting to be evil but takes a lot of control because they have a tendency to crave power.

Good thing Nick did keep some stuff from Renard. Imagine what could have happened had Renard known about the stick.

Well, if they can show Adilind and Juliette boiling something through a witch hat, then I guess they can show voodoo stuff.

I like the way they do seasons on TV in European. They tend to be 3 months or so for their full season. Either that or in mini-series version. That way, they seem to have more substance IMO.

There has to have been more couples besides Monroe and Rosalee that have mixed Wesen marriages. In fact there was an episode in Season Two where a guy pushed his wife off a balcony and killed her. They were two different types. She was something like a mouse and he was something different. This is the episode

Good point.

That's right, she was always known for her violet colored eyes.

She sure came off bratty in the previous episode.

I don't think going by the book was a high priority for these guys. Remember Wu looking on the police computer and he said nothing showed up where Hank was arrested? And I am pretty sure Nick's name did not show up either. That precinct did not even have the authority to arrest Nick.

It also showed just how powerful Bonaparte was.

So was his Mom and Aunt Marie. Remember that Aunt Marie in the first episode told Nick to break up with Juliette because of finding out the functions of a Grimm.

Oh definitely because she was trying to please her mother which she never seemed able to do and Renard just took advantage of the whole situation.

Remember that show well. I recall the immortals had to behead another immortal. Only way they could die.

I won't mind if they shortened them a little as long as they keep the series on. I watch a lot of USA, TNT and PBS stations which tend to have shorter seasons.