
Hopefully Meisner will meet up with Diana somehow and the bond they have will be put to a test. After all, he delivered her and saved hers and Adilind's life. I hope that they will fit this in the storyline. That would be awesome.

Or Renard's mother.

But I wonder if Nick and Hank saved anything that would prove that Renard was the killer of those women in Jack the Ripper form? Remember they planted evidence on Kenneth who was dead so it looked like he did the killing?

In real life, they would have put an interim chief in his place until an actual appointment would be made which would be by the Mayor himself and the City Council. I think that is how it is done.

I think at the time of Nick's arrest all bets were off as far as following any procedures or the law. They were way past that IMO.

Aunt Marie warned Nick about loved ones getting caught up in the activities of Grimms and to break off with Juliette.

I remember an episode where Mother Kelly was telling Nick that depending on who raises Diana will determine her outcome. That was one of the main reasons for wanting her to be away from the Royals because they definitely were not good influences. What happened to those assholes anyway? Is BC holding them hostage

I don't think she likes her father too much right now. But we'll see.

Just the mention of the book means it will probably have some significance in Season 6. And since Bonaparte was so obsessed with getting his hands on it must also have some significance.

I am hoping that Meisner has a twin brother somewhere and he shows up. What a good way to keep him on the show. They used to use that storyline a lot in soap operas.

And remember that Wu ate one of those cookies she made for Hank and the effect it had on him. If Rosalee had not given him one of her cures, Wu would have been dead as well.

Or what happened last season with Renard getting Jack the Ripper's spirit.

A mercenary that initially joined the Resistance because 2 years earlier the Royals had his fiance killed.

I hate that he is gone but he has to eat I guess.

Where else can he put them?

Of course, that Bonaparte dude did not seem to be one you said "no" to unless you wanted to face the consequences. So maybe Zuri was right in saying she was forced into BC. This was before she was arrested for trying to go after Hank.

What ever happened to that Lucien guy that was in it the first couple of episodes for the season?

I hated it when Henrietta was killed by Jack the Ripper (in Renard form). She seemed decent.

I think she used the wigs so that no one in Portland would recognize her because most people think she is dead (as Juliette).

Can be confusing with all those names. LOL