
I still wish they would somehow bring back Alexander, the only survivor of the Wesen Council that were assassinated by BC then he went into hiding. Have not heard from him since. I assume he is still hiding somewhere but when is he going to crawl out of the hole he is hiding in?

That's true. Unlike NYC, LA or Chicago. A lot of Wesen certainly came crawling out of the woodwork as I stated before.

I probably only remember it because I have seen the episode two or three times. Each time I watch something, I always catch something that I did not when I watched it before. LOL

Growing pains. LOL

Renard should have known that the power given to him by the help of BC that it came with a price tag attached. He is a pretty arrogant dude though.

I guess we'll find out in season 6.

He joined the Resistance because the Royals killed his fiance. I remember an episode where he told Adilind when they were on the run in Austria.

Remember in the first two seasons she did a lot of bad because Renard put her up to it like trying to kill Aunt Marie and that spell on Hank.

Usually Rosalee s very compassionate and understanding and Adilind basically saved her life from Tony by breaking his fingers. I would have thought that Rosalee of all people would pick up on the fact that Adilind was coerced into the position she is currently in. I still like her though.

I think Diana is doing this on her own. She does not really need to be encouraged by anyone.

But certainly Nick will never trust him not that he did anyway. I think deep down Nick knew Renard could easily go back to the dark side.

It was mostly about Hank being set up. BC planted the bodies of the two that Nick killed in the truck in last week's episode.

It seems that NBC does everything it can to undermine this show and it pisses me off. IMHO, it is a very good show (I am so addicted that I watch the previous seasons and I have my daughter and 10-year old granddaughter hooked). I tend to go for law enforcement type shows anyway but this has a different take on LE

I don't think he was either. He was a hired mercenary that was bad ass.

It brings a lot of positive to the show because of all the bad things happening around them and this is a couple that truly wants a baby not brought about unexpectedly.

That means he is playing the part very well. LOL

She actually helped save him by having her appear to him by Adilind's request. She has a very big connection to her mother which Adilind did not have with her own mother.

But I think the larger number of Wesen police officers were at the other precinct (North) who he rarely had contact with. I know there were a few of them at his but seemed to be much smaller. I sure have never seen so many of them creep out of the woodwork.

That could easily explain why Eve has no sexual feelings towards Nick. It just seems so strange to me that as good as KellyBurkhardt was as a Grimm that she got ambushed in the way she did. I guess it could be explained that she was caught off guard because she had come there to save Nick.

I have been wondering that myself. I remember Kelly Burkhardt telling someone, maybe Nick that depending on how she was raised she could be very good or very evil.