

THE Adirondack? Is there only one now? Goddam 1% have taken everything!

I’m excited about the Deadwood movie, more Ian McShane I say!

What kind of a lawyer would tape a client? So sad! Is this a first, never heard of it before? — Trump

From the Bloomberg article:

Trump believes the next meeting with Putin should happen “after the Russia witch hunt is over” says John Bolton.


The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!

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Have you watched Jeff Goldblum review tattoos of Jeff Goldblum?

OK, so about the “WAR” that Trump referenced in his tweet: It’s about the tiny Balkan nation of Montenegro, which joined NATO in 2017 because in 2016 the Russians tried to stage a coup d’etat in Montenegro, and the authorities there presently have 20 Russians under indictment.

Jose Grinda is perhaps the most famous and effective top prosecutor in Europe; has been for years. If he's helping out Mueller
with the case against Torshin and Donald Jr, they better worry.

Couldn’t agree more.  A woman who was teens and 20s in the 50's and 60's at ground zero of racist rednecks?  I would bet there isn’t a person alive that could Intimidate her.  It kills me that a woman who rose from “nothing” had a boot on her neck every time she tried to stand up, and still managed to rise to the

Best summary of this Euro-trip so far:

Trump is now not just the poster boy for the Dunning-Kruger effect (i.e., incompetent people greatly overestimate their own abilities because they are too stupid to evaluate themselves). He is now shown himself to be at the level of the lemon juice bandit, who inspired the series of studies in the first place.

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I think we all need a song to cheer us up - and this is simply magnificent:

Well, to be fair, host of a U.S. gossip t.v. show is a position of substantial responsibility and international significance.

That bottom photo looks like Trump is sodomising a symbol of the UK - which is about right.

Favorite sign from the protests: