
With one broken flipper.

Trump did his usual brand of diplomacy before jetting off to Europe. He lavished praise on former UK Foreign Secretary and excruciating international embarrassment, Boris Johnson.

I hope he gets cancer and dies a miserable death.

Having no appendages, the flag is frustrated that it can’t dodge him.

I can’t stop laughing at the woman who confronted Pruitt with her son. What a boss move.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted at Elizabeth Warren today that she should name her new dog Sniffing Bull. It’s blatantly racist and I don’t understand why no ones picking it up. Calling her Pocahontas, which the Trump’s have done for years now, is also blatantly racist. Trump even brought it up unprompted because he was in a

True, but never forget:

Now playing

Then there’s this gloriousness (from apparently 2 years ago, is anyone surprised this guy has a history of misogyny?):

“If you see Ivanka on the street, first, call her Tiffany. This will devastate her.”

“Yes, he is a gorgeous man.”

Eureka was robbed. Point blank, no questions asked...absolute highway robbery. She beat Aquaria in their LSFYL hands down and Ru putting them both in the final LSYTC was some bullshit. I am sure it was done just ensure that there would be an extra person in the finale to make sure that Kameron could not possibly win

I popped in just in time to say “Goodbye”

I didn’t realize all Trumps would be banned. This is great news!

Yes. It’s Melania. What can I say? I like jackets.

Must we pretend that she ever cared about anything or anyone besides herself? She has not once used her whole ass to help other people, and she has been silent about all the unspeakable cruelty that her husband’s people can concoct. This contemptuous woman has earned our universal, collective disdain.