
Shut up Ivanka, you are a dumb bimbo

I normally am cool to the high profile attorney thing in general. but not with this guy. He seems uniquely well suited to get under Dolt 45's skin incredibly effectively.

“The photographer tried to explain: “She’s a grifter,” he said. The man was confused. “So what?” he asked. The photographer tried, again, to explain, adding that she said she was a German heiress.”

Wow, what a tough sentence for Paul Manafort, who has represented Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other top political people and campaigns. Didn’t know Manafort was the head of the Mob. What about Comey and Crooked Hillary and all of the others? Very unfair!

Given that I’m English and grew up with the word Trump being a verb specifically meaning to fart loudly, Ivana Trump sounds like someone warning those in the room with them.

Girl, no.

Just because you’re over 40 doesn’t mean you can’t...look like a Limited Edition Dan Marino Barbie dipped in Murphy’s Oil Soap

Does she look good though? I’m asking for a friend.


I doubt he’s thinking about Canada.

Scumbag. Can’t wait to see him try this in an actual courtroom. [Oops. sorry. Didn’t notice this was tucked away in the other roundup.]

Ivana is stuck in 1992. She hasn’t changed her style since then. She’s even still wearing a French manicure with the thick white tips! She’s in desperate need of a make-over.

Now playing

This Ivana Trump campaign sounds like when Brooke on Odd Mom Out did a spin class fundraiser for her charity N.A.C.H.O. (New Yorkers Against Childhood Obesity, the Y is silent)

Oh man, that Malcom Jenkins video has me in tears. Good on him.

Would you really dump the love of your life, perfect for you in every way, because their genitals were not perfectly suited to your tastes?

I think this idea was expressed in Dietland (the book): When commenting on men who find uncovered women too tempting or offensive, the writer wondered why, instead of making the women cover or secret themselves, the men did not pluck out their eyes so they would be comfortable with the woman’s presence. I guess it’s

As a woman who’s been plus-sized for the last 20 years or so, that catcalling moment seemed pretty spot on to me. I lived in Brooklyn for 13 years, and lost track of my catcalling/fatshaming moments on the street. Most vivid: I had a car of teens make mooing sounds at me as I jogged past them. I was actually feeling

The North Korea deal may ring a few bells for some...