
Would you believe the Code 45* if it told you that Mike Pence’s days are numbered? I know, I know…it sounds crazy. The strange man from Indiana would appear to be the perfect sycophant to fulfill 45*’s need for constant stroking. They just did that Indiana love thing last night. As New York Magazine oh-so-gently noted

I will not yield. Not one second. Not one second.


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Hopefully they will do a Red Nose Day spoof of the sequel. The spoof of the original is hilarious.

Those Malaysian guys who made the Infinity War trailer parody met Joe Russo at the movie’s premier in Singapore.

This has nothing to do with anything other than Trump is in the picture, but a friend texted this to me today and it was like a cool breeze through my soul.

That night I was next door at my neighbors house with me, a gay married couple, a trans woman, and three drag queens. We all took a picture in our various Hillary T-shirts early in the evening when she was getting called for NE states. I had this bottle of red blend wine called “So That Happened” that purposely left a

Embarrassing admission: I was reading through the stories from the links in the article, and I thought to myself, “More than ever (this week at least), this collection of stories makes me want to vomit. Then I remembered that it is called Barf Bag, and today is the first time I ever put two and two together.

The Code 45* team notes that El Supurando Pollo Naranja may be out on the road with his Shooty & Stabby Sycophant Show and Racist Burlesque Revue, but his mind is clearly locked in on his new legal strategy – and the confidence he has obviously put in his fixer du jour, Rudy G. But his subconscious tells a very

Thoughts and prayers for the victims of 45's reenactments at the NRA meeting.


You should go talk to someone. A therapist you like and can trust (and hopefully you have health insurance for! Since it’s so pricey.) And I write this not because of your comment, but because tbh I’m plus size too and being plus size in America (dunno if you’re in the U.S. though) is traumatizing. People who aren’t

is this not all a stunt

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I suspect she’s been thinking to herself that once a month since 2008!

Janelle Monae has it right.

If she had half a brain she’d “borrow” her wax likeness, put in in the WH and get the hell out of there. Dotardo would never notice the difference, in fact he’d no doubt prefer it.