
He was! (I also have a bit of extra fondness for that film, as parts of it were shot in my bookstore.)

He was really fantastic in “Beginners” from a few years back (won an Oscar). Love that movie.

If only all predators could be turned into 87 year old men in the span of a month or so.

Man, “Mark” from RENT straight-up caught Keyser Söze.

Now playing

Steven Seagal’s Letterbox 2000 failed to hide his awfulness.

I think we can all agree that this is probably the least surprising of all of the recent revelations.

‘merica the beautiful:

OMG — the toast! The toast! Why aren’t we talking about the toast?

Also, a font of style ideas, like around-the-eye orange liner. That feathered lizard is WORKINg it.

The line “I swear to God the other presidents are girl-squadding Donald Trump” was the best thing I’ve read in awhile.

Selena’s kidney right now

The fact that the former presidents are either inadvertently or purposely mean girling 45 makes me smile for a moment. If I had more skill I would edit the “you can’t sit with us” to have the presidents’ faces.

His hands overall aren’t even that small; my hands are on the large side of average, and according to that one printable tracing of his Walk of Fame handprint, his palms are the same size as mine. Instead, true to Graydon Carter’s famous description, it’s his fingers that are short, almost disturbingly so. Each one

Yes, leaves are good at least according to a very snoozy Jack.

In these troubling times, let Willow’s happiness in being buried in a pile of leaves cheer you up:

I will be very interested to see how people manage this reaction if/when the Bryan Singer and Dan Schneider stories break. How do managers, tutors, and parents ... people legally and morally obligated to protect children say they had no idea these things were happening? It was literally their jobs to know! How do you

when Rapp was 14-years-old and Spacey was 26

I feel weird about all the fat-shaming comments I’ve been seeing on Jezebel since the Weinstein scandal broke. It literally has nothing to do with them being fat, and being fat has only a very tenuous relationship with self-control. It also seems quite a dangerous link to draw in cases like this, where an abuser’s