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True words. I’d rather invite Dave to my Halloween party, hopefully bringing his DeNiro impression.

That quote by Cate Blanchette is EVERYTHING.

I loved Matt LeBlanc playing Matt LeBlanc in Episodes. Sad the series is finished.

Bill Maher is the worst at that. Pretty much every time one of his jokes falls flat he accuses the audience of being too politically correct or not edgy enough. He can’t even entertain the idea that maybe the joke wasn’t funny.

Dear Jezebelles, today was the best day of my life.

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Ryan Murphy says they should recast Samantha.

Good for Kim Cattrall for saying no and standing firm. Why portray a caricature of a once great character? Also, IF she was demanding and wanted more money or one of her projects produced, I don’t blame her for that either. She was really underpaid during most of the show’s run. She was the one putting the “Sex” in Sex

His low self esteem episode over the comments made by the Mayor of San Juan has been incredible to watch. He so deeply needs help but instead we’re all going to have to scream dance until he’s done being our country’s brand.

enjoy, there are more. Peter Serafimovitz is a jam.

Fucking Trump. Not bad enough to make the people there suffer from his neglect but then he thinks it’s amusing to mock them, too.

In the same way that I don’t want even an exceptionally qualified male OBGYN, I don’t really feel, idk if “comfortable” is the right word, but I guess it just seems a little out of place to see male writers on sites for women. As in, geared toward women and the experiences of women, but still need a man to explain

Lindy’s resilience, strength, and tremendous writing are aspirational.

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Have you seen this? Trust me on this one. You do want to watch it.

I kind of get it. I have a very small chest. I sometimes feel that way about my chest. We all have our thing.

[Bobby: Quick correction on American Idol item, “They’re both making about $7 million each now.” The $2.5M was just the initial offer.]

Nothing wrong with balding, mate.

Bald has never been a deal breaker for me. Bald is only creepy when they do that Donald Trump combover or they grow it really long in the back like 80s Michael Bolton. Otherwise, bald but close cropped like Will or Woody Harrelson or anyone else like that is A-OK and still pretty damn hot.