
“What do you get when your pres. is a creep?”

Davos is the hero we all need. I seriously cheer him every time he does this.

They are trying to bang their heads against the wall that’s not going to be built.

“Worked for Clue!”

The Jesus and Mary chain-smokers.

Yes, the woman who rattled off designer names like they were the names of her children had to be ‘persuaded” to wear a fancy dress.

I read it as a piece of cheese that was left in the rain. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What in the holy fuck is a Stormi Bree?!?!? And people talk shit about our names...yeesh!!!

Baby Pratt is destined for a future as a content creator.”

Did Lea Michele finally get tired of dragging Cory Monteith’s corpse out when she needed attention? She’s bottomless black hole of need. The way she trotted that guy out every time she had something to sell was despicable.

Hard pass.

It’s hard to resist posting this one on every Trump related article. I’m still on my season end high, so fuck it...

Sneak peek at the music video:

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton intends to appeal the decision.

Only Donald Trump could complain about the media quoting him inaccurately and then quote himself inaccurately.

The Berkeley scientist’s resignation letter was satisfyingly scathing reading, and also spelled out I-M-P-E-A-C-H with the first letter of each paragraph. Godspeed, former science envoy guy.