
All of them.

Hopefully this asshole

As a deaf person (and engineer) who grew up with strong public schools that provided sign-language interpreters for me, I really, really want to see Betsy DeVos gone next.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

He’s from Springfield, MO. Trust me when I say taste gets much worse than his. (Also, Aniston is an expensive couch you can’t sit on.)

Brad made it very clear to Soudant that this was all part of the audition process.

my 3rd order as President was steak well-done with ketchup

It would make a delightful military comedy about the clueless buffoon who takes down his platoon during military exercises. Starring John Kelly as the disciplined leader who watches his lifelong handiwork disintegrate within days.

I think Trump must have a case of phones, and every time some one snatches one, he just pulls another one out of his arse(nel).

Thing that also happened today:

At least it’s not a WOMAN in the White House, they’re too emotional!


Maybe he can be the next WH Communications Director?

As a child of immigrants who came here without knowing English, and to put themselves through graduate school with three kids inadvertently displaced by a civil war, I can most certainly say FUCK YOU to this entire administration.

Maxine is 78. She has zero fucks left to give and she is not putting up with this shit.

Looks like Justin Bieber’s journey to “rededicate his life to Christ” has hit a bump.
