
Monica is making and releasing pretty good music these days.

I needed a laugh this morning. Thanks, People!

You know what else is real, Yoko? The Oxford comma is real.

I totally concur! She has that hint of beautiful Ryan Phillippe too!

Thank you! I’m 44 and need a chin handler!

Oh, dear, so much to comment here.

It’ll be half-hour segments of Grandpa Joe smoking ditch weed while rocking aviators in a camaro. Uncle Tim will continually remind him to wear his seatbelt while breaking into intermittent harmonica solos. They’ll occasionally prank call Boehner and make friendship bracelets for Obama.

It’s just given us this wonderful exchange, though:

In 9 years, he should star in a sitcom with Joe Biden. I’d watch. The Ex-Veepsters, or someting

Sometimes I want to be Oprah when it comes to giving some of my boobs away.

It is.

I have to imagine Eddie Trump’s middle name has become “Not That One” at this point. That or “No Relation.”

Yeah, once you’re including your kid in the sexy shots you send to Not Your Wife, that’s too much. I can see putting up with a lot of bullshit in a marriage, but dragging your kid into your infidelity—even tangentially—is easily “dump that motherfucker already” territory.

I was going to say, “Once you cook it, it’s not called Robitussin anymore.” but I like yours too.

@charliesheen you spelled “cocaine” wrong.

Hypothesis: Ryan Reynolds might be funnier if he didn’t so obviously find himself hysterical.