
Dear Andrea,

At least he didn't say Mmmake love.

Bad idea, Hillary. Justin doesn’t ever miss a chance to make things all about him, no matter how stupid he looks. The guy is a grade A level attention whore. Every single photo from the fundraiser will be something like this (replace Jessica with Hillary):

Justin and his peeps are going to plant all sorts of “look he’s nice!” stories to keep his fans holding onto the idea that he cares about or anything really.

I’ve never been so torn on whose side I should be on, Rock or Vin’s. they’re both completely awesome dorks in their own ways.

I am shameless when it comes to my love for Kevin

Ryan Lochte (pictured) is wanted for questioning by Brazilian authorities.

You know you’ve fucked up when Courtney fucking Love tells you to grow up.

Now playing

THE O’DONOVAN BROTHERS! Fucking Delightful.

I love how she screams HUUNNGRAYYYY

First thought: Snoop sure likes cannoli.

Leslie Jones is a national treasure.

I am here for the Simone and Zac cuteness! He even picked her up

I dunno, I really like her “Brazilian boyfriend” Arthur Mariano:

I guess when you don't have anything to do, that makes perfect sense.

What was the joke for the roast? Selena Gomez dated Justin Bieber, making her the least lucky Selena in the music business?

I also enjoy the phrasing “throw up on my own dick.” As opposed to throwing up on someone else’s dick? I know I’m reading into it something that isn’t there it just makes me giggle.