
I cant be the only one disappointed at the lack of Benedict-at-Disney pictures.

Henry Winkler visits Lucille Ball?

I’d like nothing better at this point than for HRC to win by >10 points in the popular vote, and then on November 9 for the Justice Department to announce that both Trump and his shitbag son have been indicted for enough counts of tax fraud that they’ll both be in prison until the 26th century if convicted.

“At least I tried to avoid it.”

He looks like Val Kilmer circa Batman Forever.

“mono” means monkey. The piece that was defaced was originally titled, “ecce homo” (behold the man). Then they started calling the piece “ecce mono” (behold the monkey), because after that old lady was finished giving Jesus a makeover, he looked like a monkey.

He and Scary Lucy really need to be introduced. They were made for each other.

Someone will definitely have some ‘splainin to do.

Not knowing the context of “Scary Lucy” I first thought the image at the top was of the bad statue. I stared at it for a while wondering what the problem was. That’s when I scrolled down a bit further and finally saw the hellspawn. That is a fucking terrifying monster captured in bronze.

I read he received many participation trophys.

Goddamn did I love this song

Cancer fucking sucks. Best of luck to Doherty.

I was hoping that when she was Bruce she was just a grump because she is a Olympic gold medalist living a seemingly tortured life with a secret identify while being stuck in the claws of Kris and having to deal with the horridness that is the rest is them. I was hoping when she because kaitlyn and left kris she could

Will known rose quartz crystal thief Father John Misty steal the one Katy Perry gave to Miranda Kerr, like he did the one from that tea shop in Echo Park?

And here I thought that the good times were done after reading about George Zimmerman getting punched. Matthew McCarthy, well done.

I thought Taylor worked at Bennigans for a second. Stuff on the wall. The Skype options on the bottom looked like buttons servers had to wear.

Now playing

That Jonas tweet instantly reminded me of this:

Seriously though, I taught my dad how to mute the notifications for the extended family’s groupchat and he looked at me like I was God.