
Nah, Pence couldn’t win, either. He’s like a three-day-old Romney donut that accidentally got left on the heater at the office, all withered and somehow even more colorless.

As someone who knows what this piece of dirt did to atlantic city, the thought that anyone would let him run anything is horrible. i encourage all of you to visit atlantic city. make sure you wonder the streets at night too, alone. and when you come upon someone over the age of 40, ask them about trump.

Not gonna lie—your description does not deter me at all. I’d still knock boots with him.

don’t forget about the blood coming out of his whatever

its not as easy as you think, circus peanut...dont you think your daughter would leave your campaign if she could? the entire country has seen you physically and verbally perv on her, practically on the daily.

Because obviously the victim of harassment, not the perpetrator, should be punished. She should abandon her chosen vocation or be forced to flee elsewhere.

I want the two of them to guest star on an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine, because Terry Crews’s fictional twin daughters are named Cagney and Lacey.

I just need to get it off my chest that I’m sick of hearing about Lin Manuel Miranda. I haven’t listened to the music, but I’m sick of being told on every media website about it all day long. Can’t get behind this one for some reason.

Justin Timberlake absolutely cannot make anything sexy, not even himself.

Both so PURTY.

  • A fan angling to touch Justin Timberlake ended up smacking him in the face.

Unfortunately, a private matter has become more public than I can control and I would be extremely grateful if my fiancé and myself could discuss our personal matters on our own.

I agree, Britney seems like a genuinely sweet kid who has a lot of problems. Lindsey seems like a dick who has a lot of problems.

I don’t get the whole Pokemon thing either, but how is playing Pokemon while while attending a Beyonce concert somehow worse than recording someone playing Pokemon while attending a Beyonce concert?

If I'm not mistaken, I believe you need class and maybe couth for that. I could be wrong though.

Now playing

I still think about this whenever I hear news about her.

I’m not an expert on relationships or anything but I think putting your fiance on blast over social media is probably not a wise decision.

“He said Dada today, three times!”

So Amber won’t use Always?