
I’m repulsed by the lot of them. Truly just terrible people.

My dislike for them is as intense as it is irrational. They just try SO HARD to be adorable and funny, but THEY ARE NEITHER. And their damned show is on all the time. Of course, I also HAAAAAAAAATE Chip Gaines from Fixer Upper, so I might just have something against goofy white dudes in general.


I like to call her Felicia.

Like pretty much the whole world I think Beyoncé is incredible (I am dying to see Lemonade) but I’m with Monica Lewinsky. Partition is a great song but that lyric was shitty and biologically inaccurate (surely it was Billy boy who was responsible for the gown situation).

In the early 2000s, I lost six loved ones in a year. I didn’t realize what I was going through until a dear older lesbian friend referred to me as “armless,” for ARMLS, the name of her support group for AIDS-Related Multiple Loss Syndrome. From the mid-80s to the mid-90s, people with lots of gay friends were losing

I don’t know why I’m so mad at you- you warned us that this video will cause an ugly cry.

Damn, that rabbit really does look just like Helen Mirren!

Witney from DWTS is with child, but for some reason her name is not with “h.”

The PR machine for that idiotic “Mother’s Day” movie must be in hyper drive to get Aniston a “Most Beautiful” cover on People.

Once Trump is in El Nino will be deported.

I’ve always found her so bland, and not at all beautiful. Oh well, half of beauty seems to be good grooming and she’s got that going for her.

Kourtney Kardashian and Justin Bieber have wonderful sex.

“I really wish I could experience the searing pain and nauseau of a migraine!”- No one ever

“We give each other compliments. He’ll say, “You look beautiful,” or “That looks great.” Or I’ll say, “I don’t know about this outfit,” and he’ll say, “No let’s change that.” And I’ll absolutely say to him, “You know what? No T-shirts.” [Laughs]

“He tasted offal”- The Homeless

What hump?

LiLo is engaged to Egor. Officially. OK, probably. [Us Weekly]

What I’m trying to say here is that I think Jessica and Justin are very good friends who eat dinner together in silence.

Thirding In Bruges. Won passes for a screening and had no idea what I was in for. Odd to say about an incredibly dark comedy, but it was a delightful surprise. Farrell was excellent (as was the rest of the cast).