Madeline Ashby

More like "corporate therapist."

Damn. All those years at Jesuit school, wasted...

You asked me if I could agree if we should not kill "actual, living babies." That's a straw-man argument and a thread derail. It makes the substance of the response hard to take seriously.

You'r right; I was confusing the two matters. I apologize.

I'm a science fiction writer and paid futurist, with a degree in strategic foresight. Perhaps Mr. Pigliucci would like to interview me about my work.

We can agree that you struggle with it, for reasons that are personal to you as an individual. But struggling people like you aren't the ones dictating American reproductive policy. The ones proposing changes to reproductive legislation are, overwhelmingly, socially conservative. Their values stem from misogynist

I think that these are all reasons for politicians and others to *say* that they're still impassioned about the abortion debate (or rather, to continue debating it) but this piece doesn't really touch on the role basic misogyny plays in that debate. American reproductive policy has more to do with controlling sex than

Can we just get a soap set in the Shire, already? Like "Coronation Street" but with more charming architecture, greenery, and occasional singing? Because this is starting to sound like a backdoor pilot. A circular backdoor pilot.

So they've found a way to combine the Pendulums *and* the mannequin jump scare from the shopping mall sequence? Wow.

I thought the same.

"I've made a terrible mistake."

I would really love for this interpretation to be validated by a later cut of the film, in much the same way that the "Deckard is a replicant," reading of Blade Runner was. I think that would prove this case a great deal better than what Scott or the others have mentioned in interviews. While I think that interviews

Chills. Also: tears. (Well, Winchester tears. You know what I mean.)

Damn, which Yoko Kanno record will you choose? (Which one would *I* choose? This is really tough.)

+1 for listening to KEXP.

My partner pointed out that Bobby's ghost was a metaphor for the series itself: unnaturally prolonged, increasingly senile, and slow to move. Dean's frustration is our frustration, or the frustration of sombody in the writer's room.

I guess they were referred to as "Formics" within official literature within the fictional world (i.e. press releases, etc.) but I remember them solely as the "buggers". That's the mask Peter was wearing when he nearly choked out Ender. A "Bugger" mask. Period. And the thing is, I think Uncle Orson knew exactly what

The wolf's head on the wall. Thus the super-creepy music when Jules was making out with it.

Also there's the appearance of Jodelle Ferland, AKA Sharon and Alessa from the Silent Hill adaptation, as Patience Buckner. I thought that was a cute little in-joke for horror and gaming fans. (Ferland also plays the Little Sister in BioShock 2.)