Thanks for your statistically insignificant anecdote.
Thanks for your statistically insignificant anecdote.
I mean, I get it.
I’ve read through the article like three times now, and I am confused about what Brewer was told and when, and what the actual claim of wrongdoing against The Atlantic is. I get that the ultimate wrong here is supposed to be that Brewer was (in addition to being misgendered) “outed without consent by a national…
Why don’t they just embrace it and become pro baseball pitchers? Hugely successful, and some of the weakest chins in existence.
Just goes to show, challenging celebrities to cage fights is a double-edged sword, much like the kind Mickey Rourke tried to kill me with.
Blood for the Blood God 2020
I mean he has a point, the biggest complaints coming out of BvS was that it wasn’t long enough and waaay too funny.
The alt-right is the “alt-right” because calling yourself “nazi” or “fascist” is (rightly) placing yourself in bad company. TL;DR: They’re cowards
If only he had channeled that anger towards Mike Love.
Perhaps a third last-minute change is the charm?
What the author is saying is that journalistic objectivity doesn’t exist. She is not saying the pretensions don’t exist. You’re fundamentally misunderstanding the sentence.
But those things are generating outrage. In pretty vast quantities, judging by the slow but inexorable march of lawsuits against the companies who overprescribed opioids. The shibboleth that “nobody cares about these things” is blatant whataboutism, the idea that unless you’ve already solved every single one of…
The subject of the “doesn’t” is “journalistic objectivity” - singular, where “doesn’t” is appropriate, and not “pretensions” - plural, where “don’t” would be appropriate.
The subject of “doesn’t” here is “objectivity,” not “pretensions.” Those exist, indeed.
Exactly, but the opposite of what you said!
I’ve decided to stay. Goodbye.
Katherine Heigel was a scandal? I thought she was a punchline.
Now that you mention it, there is a clear pattern of antisocial behavior here that could link him with loads of other unsolved crimes in New York. I wonder what he was doing the night of August 6, 1930? I'm sure he'll just make up some lie.