
Straight ticket voting should be outlawed as well IMO. It does nothing except promote ignorance and laziness. Primarily looking at the red party for this shit and their continued willingness to vote against their own best interests.

“You mean I can use this on things OTHER THAN PIZZA?”

One of my favorite games and the OST was just amazing. It’s one of the few games where I actually went and searched the internet to buy the OST. Totally worth it.

They go all over the place with their music so you might have to give a good full album a listen. Also keep in mind that it’s a concept album so there’s a story to follow, definitely much easier to follow than Coheed though. As far as I know, this is the best explanation of the story by song: https://www.lakeandtherive

Was that the year they were with Russian Circles as the opener? I went to the one in Austin and it was fucking PHENOMENAL.

Same. TCBTS really spoke to me because I had just moved to a new place, much smaller apartment in a city, that had gotten me pretty depressed. Probably around the same exact time they moved to Brooklyn. It’s helped me give it more of a chance. Now it’s home and I doubt if I ever leave.

We need more jokes like this.

I went to see it in theaters and the couple next to me was laughing and scoffing the entire time. It’s not like the trailers were misleading so idk what the fuck they were expecting.

As an alcoholic I understand how hard it is to get away from alcohol in our world and the constant glorification of it, but reading the comment section only reinforces just how ubiquitous it is.

That’s a major downgrade in graphics. Also, no more dynamic weather systems.

They’re not trying to be logical, they’re just doing anything they can to make her look guilty or stupid. it doesn’t matter how they look because they’re not being interrogated

You mean SJW libcuck snowflake points.

Yeah, except Kavanaugh is going to hold one of the highest ranks in the county, refuses to acknowledge or admit what he did, and shows absolutely no signs of remorse.

I think it’s entirely unrealistic to expect developers to create 2 completely different characters with different stories in games this massive. If that’s our new expectation then I think we should expect to bump the price up by at least 25%. It’s not some copy/paste thing that should just be a given.

So, waking up takes 15 minutes? Does he literally go to church to pray or something? Oh shit maybe he lights candles and everything. For some of these I think he forgot “Fucks around on Instagram”.

Yeah I hear the same shit about sports, but politics have always been deeplly interwoven into sports. You can find multiple examples in every single sport.

Maybe they never led Rome specifically, but there’s been plenty of other civilizations where this has been true.

I don’t understand what you mean by that. I sure do enjoy being called a liberal cuck for just asking them to question the things their party is doing. I was unaware their party has been absolutely infallible ever since a black man held the presidency and I will always be an SJW liberal cuck snowflake who supported

I had no idea it was supposed to represent the entirety of the US. Will be interesting to see what they highlight and if they pull in any big landmarks. It would be really interesting to see something like the Smokey Mountains or the swamps down in the South.

I know this is hard from a 2 hour demo, but did you really feel like you were in the West? The biggest thing to me from RDR was just the atmosphere and how well they captured the feeling of the American West and SW. More than anything, I’m looking forward to seeing the sunsets, the howling winds, and the vast