
Oh if only Chump could've embiggened his hands. Maybe none of this would've happened.

It’s the way her face has been architected.

I don’t know, they’re all perfectly cromulent words. 

In her book Women Who Work

Probably smells like a combination of Bryl Cream, Hawaiian Tropic dark suntan oil, and Ivanka’s cooter.

I honestly like Joe Biden and think he’s done a lot of hard, good work for this country. Obviously he’s made some mistaken that were EXTREMELY costly, but he isn’t a bad dude.

I do not believe this Sting impersonator is only 22.

“OK, Volodymyr, we got your Javelin launchers on the way to Ukraine. Now, would you like the missiles to launch from them? Kinda useless without the missiles, buddy. So, here’s what I need you to do for me...”

Trial by fire for little Mr. Comedian. He's going to have to step awfully carefully.


How is this not a type of extortion? Or something similar...

I hereby call on all countries containing Trump properties or any countries where official white house hires TRUMP children have visted ,to investigate all of that shit too.

He saw Mitch McConnell do it, and it sounded cool, and he thinks it comes with magical powers. Like "I hereby declare".

It’s like when I get asked to double or triple check something for work that I know is already OK.  No point in arguing, just go through the motions.  At least its low-stress and kills a few hours.

so... when Barron was conceived?

No matter what they find about Biden it doesn’t change the fact Trump extorted Ukraine.

  1. The Presidential Records Act doesn’t apply to members of congress

(3) He treats women like an 85 year old with white male privilege. He should get off the bench. If you do’t understand the world, you shouldn’t be making decisions about other people’s lives.

I feel like maybe he should avail himself of readily accessible knowledge pertinent to the case over which he’s presiding, and if he feels unable to do that, perhaps he should retire. Technology is increasingly involved in our interactions with each other, and consequently, our litigations. And Twitter is hardly new.

AOC blocking idiots on Twitter is OK. What’s not OK is Federal Judges using draconian laws to block people from voting.