
He’s the big deal maker. He was making a deal. He believes this is how business and government work.

You know how politicians and the press are always saying things like “Americans are too smart to believe this” and “Lets credit Americans with more brains than to buy into that.

Anybody tell Mr. Bean that he is likely to be served a hamburder if and when he visits the White House. He wouldn’t want to be under the impression that there was going to be a state dinner or anything.

even President Trump, who is after all a fellow American.

Tell me about it - my husband just let some guy on the phone from India rifle through his laptop remotely for about an hour because of ‘credit card fraud’. So now all the bank accounts etc need to be changed - he thought he might start that after taking a nap. He still doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

Come for the early bird buffet - stay for the rant.

Ah but the deplorables have lots of weapons (as Trump logic would probably process it)

No worries - everyone is more than a bit on edge these days. For the record, I am not American - rather USA adjacent. But this fuckery affects us all.

A moo point as well.

No probably about it - it is creepy and weird. 

If you as a voter or a politician still stand by these people then just admit you’re a crook also.

This is all true - plus... you would need a whole squad of crack sharpshooters to be able to ‘wound’ someone in the leg. It is remarkably difficult to wound someone in the arm or leg - especially if they are running.

Which is actually the genius of maga hats - can’t recognize your team without them. (On the women, the dyed blonde bouffants are the dead giveaway)

Reagan had horse whisperer Nancy to help him out. Ivanka seems reluctant to take on this role.

Rudi spits... Trump sniffs. Both horrible to watch/listen to.

The astonishing thing is that germaphobe orange dicktator is absolutely revolted by his ‘base’. The way they look, the way they smell, their stinky smoke/alcohol/tobacco chewing breath, their shithole residences, their mullet hairdos - if he was the Queen he would wear gloves. I assume he has a lot of hand sanitizer

Maybe Rudi just likes a good spanking ... or public humiliation. Or both.

Well that would definitely be Ghouliani comeback. ‘I didn’t say insinuation. I didn’t say absurd.’

The follow up is ‘why do you find that insinuation absurd’?

Here’s hoping he makes a TV appearance tonight to talk screech, yell, scream,caterwaul, about the subpoena!