maddy jam

Can’t tell you where I work but my restaurant in Florida had a problem with staff dating each other or quick hookups with one bartender who had chlamydia and wouldn’t tell anyone because he’s a disgusting pig (I really didn’t like him). You are discouraged from dating other cast members, especially in the same area,

I suffer from really terrible dry skin on my face. It’s red, burning, and irritated--on a good day. Hydrocortisone helped relive the burning but the redness would linger and after a few hours my skin would become dry and cracked again. The only thing I’ve found that helps give relief is something I picked up at Bath

I jumped on that deal so hard. Even though it didn’t qualify for free shipping, $33 for the extended blurays was too good a deal to pass up.

I jumped on that deal so hard. Even though it didn’t qualify for free shipping, $33 for the extended blurays was too

I’m pretty sure the secret video after Kingdom Hearts 2 was the beginning of Dream Drop Distance.

Probably not the answer you were expecting but I still enjoy my Sega Genesis even though a lot of newer games have my attention too. It’s all a matter of personal preference; go with what makes you happy. I don’t mind that you probably have a really awesome pc and can play games with graphics that could make life

Love me some Benadryl Cucumber.

It’s an IGN logo watermark. Whoever designed the cover for the wii version of Okami was very lazy.

Yessss! I love Sonic All Star Racing Transformed. It has a nice challenge to it.

I make an extra effort to make sure the used games I purchase have a manual inside of them. I love that extra weight, that extra bit of physical media. While I’m more likely to turn down a used game if the box art slip is missing, I’m also likely to turn down a game if the box feels too light or too empty. Price

I have crohns and I find myself rushing to the bathroom at least every two to three hours. For 14 hours you better call an ambulance or Guinness World Records in advance.

*awkwardly places cup down on table*

Reminds me of the Chao Gardens in Sonic Adventure. I am intrigued.

In WoW I have a shaman named Waffles and ran into an alliance shaman also named Waffles while in Shattrath due to crz. I was sad when she left me lol. I’ve also come across a “Wafflez” talking in general chat and tried to convince him that I was him from the future and that he shouldn’t do the thing. Sadly we never

I have crohns and it’s not easy to stick with a set diet. I keep a food journal of foods I can eat and foods to avoid but sometimes the bad foods are cheaper and easier to get than the good foods. It doesn’t help that prednisone makes you super hungry too.

Shouldn’t the text be facing the other way?

Thank you very much for the advice

I just got a Target credit card a few days ago. :(

They’d probably let her die so we can pay $10 to add her back into the game as a permanent party member option.