She's a kid. Contrary to what our local MR trolls would have you believe, Jezebel adores kids. It's nothing to do with her being black.
She's a kid. Contrary to what our local MR trolls would have you believe, Jezebel adores kids. It's nothing to do with her being black.
Agreed. I stayed in Brussels once for two days and although it was nothing like as bad as her experience, it was pretty disgusting. A lot of Maghreb men getting in your personal space, making comments (not very explicit, but discomforting) and looking you up and down as though you were a hooker on the corner.
Gosh, you sound like a barrel of laughs. Wish you'd been here five minutes ago when I pretended to shoot my brother in the head with a banana.
Wow, I did not get that at all, and I like Azealia Banks. It sounded pretty cool, but I barely understood what she was saying, never mind recognising any references to 1991 (which is also when I was born! yay!). Like, I think I understood the individual words but I couldn't quite make them link up into sentences. I…
Ah, I see that once again my decision to avoid the lameness of adding "BTW THIS IS SARCASM" has backfired. If this site has a political angle, fine, get on with it (it's generally in line with my own opinion anyway), but just come out and fight that battle, don't snicker at some over-earnest squares for being…
Oh, rats. You got there before me. The only person I've ever heard say toots outside of a 1930s crime novel is my dad. But I think he's joking. I am really intrigued by this - do modern catcallers even know that word? Do they also still use 'doll', 'dame' and 'tomater'? Pray tell - I live in a polite little town (or…
I know, I guffawed irritably at "sensible heteronormative marriage" as well, as though it's their fault for not being polygamous lesbians or something.
I choose to interpret that sincerely!/I had a really slow morning.
Your loss, my friend. After I wrote that I drifted into a five minute daydream visualising said hypothetical movie, and it rocked. Obviously they weren't Republican party employees, though; they worked for Nasa.
Ugh. To be fair, having read into it a bit I do think Lego has gone to some effort to avoid criticism - each character does have a developed personality, with interests in "non-girly" activities like science and soccer. And it is true that some girls go for this in a big way, and to pretend otherwise is unfair and…
If you don't want to be proposed to, then sure. But surely that's something you have to judge when you're part of a couple. She didn't seem unhappy about it, and if other people dislike public proposals then fine - don't have one. To me it just seemed like a lame excuse to mock some square young Repub party employees,…
True, but I don't see any evidence that she felt conflicted/hesitant. Perhaps she did, but I just thought the tone was snide and needlessly unpleasant, like "Hey guys, let's go make fun of the dweebs before cheerleading practice!"
Does this site have a problem with Republicans or something? I know this might sound REALLY crazy and paranoid, but I'm kind of getting that vibe. Almost as if some of the less scrupulous Jezzie staffers are rabidly nosing through every scrap of footage from the RNC in an admirable (is this right? Ed.) attempt to find…
Mona Lisa Smile is an awesome film, do not be ashamed! That's basically all I have to add here. If it's on TV I have to drop what I'm doing and watch it. When I first watched it, on video shortly after it came out, the 13 year-old me found it totally inspiring, and although I do now side-eye a couple of plot points, I…
OH SWEET JESUS. Watched this vid. Dress me!
Googled Ethan Peck. Thank you. You have made life worth living.
Here's another one for you: lady has a terrible day at work, feeling very blue. Afterwards, to cheer herself up, she buys a new pair of shoes. Her mood is improved and she feels ready to attack life anew the next day. But the shoes were made by a child working for slave wages in a Bangladeshi sweatshop. By buying…
"The idea that men are entitled to sex from women who are overtly sexual"
That's very big of you.
Have you read Caitlin Moran's latest book? It's the current Jezebel book club selection and I've just finished. While I don't agree with everything she says, she has an excellent chapter on the problematic culture engendered by strip clubs - she specifically addresses why and how they are not like burlesque shows. You…