
I didn't ever use such a dumb reductionist argument as "getting rid of strip clubs = fewer rapes". In my first post, I didn't mean that strip clubs cause more rapes (I'm not anyway near enough of an expert to know), I meant that the imposition of the tax seemed like the authorities were acknowledging a correlation.

Okay, please reread my post, because you couldn't have understood it worse if you tried.

Rape culture does not come from any one thing, you're smart enough to know that. Rape culture can come from the messages sent out by society, or the media, or cultural traditions, or religion or any number of things. We have it far better in the West, but that doesn't mean that misogynist thinking doesn't still linger

Anything which adds to the noxious idea that women's bodies are objects which can be bought and sold contributes to a rape culture. That is not saying that men who visit strip bars are rapists or potential rapists or abusers or whatever. Not even remotely.

Not an expert on this issue, but I have read about stuies showing that rates of sexual assault rise considerably in the areas around strip clubs. And that's comparing the rates before and after the opening of the strip club, not just comparing it to other areas of a town (as I imagine strip clubs are often located in

I can't be the only one who feels a little uneasy about this? It's like acknowledging that strip clubs indirectly contribute to women being raped, but as long as they help clean up the aftermath then that's just peachy keen. I mean, it's certainly better than nothing. But fewer rape crisis centres would be needed if

The general trend towards female dominance in higher ed. is a class issue more than a race or sex one, as far as I can tell. There is no dearth of white middle-class men in the higher education system, that's certainly for sure. A working culture which increasingly prioritises white-collar traits such as office work,

Doug, did you ever read The Day They Came To Arrest The Book? May I recommend it?

True dat. I am ashamed to say this, but I think it went from "And, oh! He's clever, too!" to "Ok...maybe he's a little too clever for my taste. And not much fun."

Much as I love this post in general, the thought did just occur to me that obviously straight male friends aren't going to studio photographers for portraits anymore. Because, outside of special occasions, who does? Back then photography was a relatively new phenomenon and not accessible to the general public - a

Nah, there's no shame in being cynical about politics! I just think it wasn't very good attention to detail on the OP's part to not notice something like that.

Oh, now come on. You're letting your personal dislike for him colour your reasoning here, I think. Yes, he has been a journalist for a long time, but he is also the elected head of a major world city which has just been the focus of global attention. That is worth acknowledging, and to say otherwise is frankly

Pretty sure the guy in the right-hand photo on the 2nd slide is a young John Mahoney...

What on earth has that to do with the price of fish? I still think it's worth mentioning the fact he's the mayor of London, not just any old tabloid goober.

...And he's the mayor of London. A negative opinion of him doesn't change the fact that he's mayor of London, not some ten-a-penny tabloid hack. If Romney gets elected I don't suppose we'll all feel the need to refer to him as 'a Massachusetts management consultant' because we don't like the fact he's president.

Madame - the lowly Telegraph columnist you find so distasteful is in fact Boris Johnson, mayor of London. Bit like describing Michael Bloomberg as a "Daily Show guest".

"But you can HELP us keep the American dream alive by having sex with us and then disappearing."

Honestly, it's like wondering if Africans just aren't cool enough to truly GET H.P Lovecraft. If you can get past the horrible attitudes towards women, fine, go nuts, just don't expect that women as a demographic are going to buy it.

Orrrrr, maybe they dislike Kerouac because all his characters are spineless misogynist arseholes whose callous, self-absorbed circle jerking is slavishly idolised by their creator.

Your wish, my command etc.