Mad Dog Brut

NOW WE’RE TALKING! Holy crap I miss that era of quartermunchers

“Barry Allen is definitely a sore spot with me. Probably because Wally was my Flash.”

But isn’t what you’re saying almost EXACTLY the problem? There are major cultural events that have occurred, that have affected society in incredibly subtle but deep ways, that so many (white) people have no idea about

As a former waiter whose managers HATED him but customers loved, I too make a point of chasing down managers and complimenting servers when they do a great job

I’m way more of a Marvel fanboy, but bringing back Barry Allen and Jason Todd FILLED ME WITH RAGE. Neither of them brings anything new to the table, nor are they terribly interesting characters (if you @ me about Barry, keep in mind just about everything you’ll talk about was retconned into existence by Geoff “The

Lavar Ball was able to parlay the success of his eldest son into some short term gains, sure, but there’s no way any team/sponsors will want to deal with his BS going forward, short of some HUGE leaps forward by either the eldest or youngest.

I mean, this is funny, but it’s also CLEARLY an attempt by Mora to keep Rosen from going to Cleveland

The interactive cartoon nature of it blew my damn mind at the time. I downloaded SCUMM a few years just so I could play this; still holds up

Are you saying “fucking Marvel” because the story is ending? Because on the one hand, sure, they’re cutting out a great, important story just as Infinity War is on the horizon. On the other hand, the team has told a beautiful, amazing story, and now that story is coming to an end. A beautiful, earned, tearjerking end.

All of the depictions I’ve seen have cut WAY too close. I keep seeing Jane in the headwrap and getting flashbacks to the period when my mom was going through chemo for her leukemia (in remission for nearly a decade now, thankfully), and it just . . . oof. I’m tearing up just thinking about the images right now

That’s one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is A. this person is creating X amount of value for the company, and B. has the potential to generate Y more value due to developing within the company, gaining experience, etc. Going off that, 60K doesn’t seem astronomical to me.

@Acidboogie: It was a PT Cruiser, wasn’t it

Right after I got my license, my parents let me take our family Volvo station wagon to school. They’d let me drive it before, but never to have for a day at school. It was a wet fall day, I was taking corners a bit too hot, and long story short hit a wet patch and spun out into a farmer’s barbed wire fence. Farmer

Why? I’m asking this sincerely. Why is an assembly line worker not entitled to the same financial rewards as, say, a police officer? Both jobs can potentially involve huge amounts of danger and both jobs can ostensibly be done with utterly unskilled labor, but only one of those jobs is routinely blamed for the general

Phew, thank god Dax Shepard has a podcast now. Can’t believe I waited this long to go through life without his wise counseling and inspired viewpoint. I’m sure it’s a source of wisdom and grace throughout the day

I hate Hayden Christensen, but I think he could actually pull off a pretty successful cameo

Good news is he can’t be a pedo. He’s got a moustache!

G Dep always sort of surprisingly showed up on tracks. One of those guys I hated back in the day, but nowadays I’m finding myself drawn to some of his tracks

I starred you but I hate you

Who IN FUCK has Monsters Inc over the Incredibles?!?