Mad Dog Brut

“There’s a huge change in film criticism right now, where reviews for films on platforms such as Netflilx simply don’t matter.

Yeah, I almost bought it. The reviews are almost uniformly terrible though, so I’m loath to give them my money

Totally makes sense to fire copy editors in the wake of the failure of a push to video. TOTALLY

Now playing

If it’s good enough for these guys, it’s good enough for me

“so-called European socialists”

Wait, really? Hmmmm, show CBB or podcast CBB?

Netflix has been getting worse and worse lately. I don’t really care for the bulk of its original programming (Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Daredevil are the exceptions, along with SOME of their standup), and the other major companies are siphoning off most of their good stuff. We certainly use it far less than Hulu

This right here kills me every damn time. Police feel empowered to go out shooting because the WORST consequence they routinely face is getting fired, and that shit is RARE. Start taking it out of their budgets/pension funds, see what happens then

Weirdly, this makes me want to play through more of MGS V. I beat the story, but still have a lot of side missions left. What a great game...

You’re in for a treat

I see it as this sort of dismissive hand wave

Welp, off to buy Playboy for the first time since I was 18

God, that’s so true. Everyone knows about Mike Nichols’ days narrating Sportscenter right next to Dan Patrick and Boomer, with Hugh Grant often on as a recurring talking head. And who could forget the hilarious Keith Olberman cameo in The Birdcage???

I used to talk so much shit about Spam before I ate it. It’s SO GOOD

The Gold nerf was SO necessary though. If you had Ragh in the first round and Yen in the second, you pretty much had the game regardless of the other player’s actions. It completely undermined my favorite part of my Spy deck (i.e. unleashing Letho on opposing lines) but then added a fun combo where I could destroy him

Here’s what you do: just cook it exactly the way I described and give it to her as a breakfast sammy. She’ll eat it and fall in love with how all the flavors intertwine, and it’ll be like a new honeymoon

I have gotten three different people hooked on Spam, one of whom is my girlfriend. For the purposes of breakfast sandwiches alone, it’s worth buying a can or two (we stock up at Costco on the Low Sodium stuff)

I was playing a pretty kickass NG Spy deck. Even when I lost, it was fun to play with. Same with the Consuming Monster decks. But having to allocate at least 2 cards to weather counters gets OLD

Weather and shittyass Skellige decks are what drove me away from Gwent. Oh, and the CEASELESS keening of Skellige players the second any of their cards were nerfed.