Mad Dog Brut

So, from my limited geology class, I can tell you: there are basically two kinds of volcanoes. There’s the kind that is continually spewing slow-moving lava, and there’s the kind that builds up pressure and explodes. Mt St Helens is a great example of the latter. For the former, it’s incredibly fun to hike around. The

It’s the best gif

Erykah said some awful things, but are you guys choosing her bag-lady-est photos to use?

I NEVER play games that are brand new; I wait for the GOTY version or something else, unless the game is REALLY special. I’d like to eventually get Monster Hunter, but is that game going to still be worth playing in a year when everyone’s leveled up except for me?

Quick question, and no snark meant: what makes people fans of various eSport teams/players if location doesn’t factor in? Like, what makes someone a fan of Seoul if they live in Chicago?

I believe it was around 2 weeks ago when I told you to fuck yourself. I’d like to expand upon that now, regardless of your agreement with my point: infinitely fuck yourself, you you condescending, paperskinned dipshit 

Disagree. On some of the levels, they’re scattered far enough from each other that you might START collecting fragments, then realize there’s a much cooler or more fun way to collect a moon or some purple coins, so you peel away and work on that. Fits the general ethos of Odyssey and BotW, I’d argue

I was talking to my gf about that actually. Odyssey would be the most irritating grind imaginable if Moons/Purple Coins weren’t saved the moment you got them. VERRRRRRRRY handy

I definitely should have been clearer: what you’re talking about is what I’d prefer. There are TIMES I just want a damn black bean burger! There are times when I want a CLT, and there are times where I want their also-house-smoked pastrami

Y’know, I’m open to these veggie alternatives to meat (I’m trying to eat less of it, anyway), but the whole meat substitute thing just doesn’t work. They need to be sold as a delicious ingredient on their own. An example: I had one of those new, high-end veggie burgers (I think it was the Impossible Burger, but I

I enjoyed the show, and I’m 35. It was great for long car rides when you wanted to just soak it in

Why not?

We Still Kill the Old Way as a title is hard as fucking nails. God damn

I read some blurbs from that interview, and to his credit, he pushed back on some of her wilder fucking thoughts

That entire final paragraph is presented as some new, dynamic thought, but it’s been happening FOR. EVER.

Great update, Jason. Did you get any insight from your sources as to how/if EA learned anything from its horrendous treatment of Andromeda?

That video is amazing and hilarious. Would love to watch a livestream

Second best Die Hard

Now playing

This is UNCOMFORTABLY close to “Girl It’s Alright”

It took me 4 paragraphs to realize this wasn’t some elaborate, Bill-Simmons-in-2006-type reverse-jinx column