It’s not a point so much as an edge
It’s not a point so much as an edge
No. Harbour is wearing the pin and didn’t take the time to educate himself on what he was supposedly standing up for. This is WAY different than your false dichotomy
I wish a refrigerator would drop out of the sky and drop squarely on Joey Crawford’s head. The amount of leeway the NBA gives him is staggering and inexcusable
That sucks; finding dog friendly breweries has become my passion since we got the pupper. In a weird irony, CT (where I live) is incredibly dog-unfriendly, but a LOT of breweries are pro-pup. I think it’s because they recognize there’s a bit of a captive market; we’re so desperate for places where we can go have fun…
I did not know about this place! Will have to check it out next time I’m up there. Do you know if they’re dog friendly? Part of the reason we go to Hudson Valley/Plan Bee as much as we do is because we have a dog with wild anxiety issues who can’t be left alone.
SHHHHHHHHH!!!! If you tell people, the Valley will get even more expensive than it already is. GF and I have been debating pooling funds to get a vacation place in the area for a looooong time (though we don’t even own our own place), partially for this very reason.
I’m actually less of a fan of their crushable non-sours. I like my pilsners tasting like hopped corn, and theirs was a bit too mild IIRC.
You know, I came here ready to unleash my worst devil’s advocate, like how do we know that this exec hadn’t been looking at demographic data saying exactly this (I work at a major CPG company, and my VP doesn’t wipe his ass without three pieces of compelling data telling him the best way to do so). But the exec’s…
If anyone lives in or near NY State, Hudson Valley Brewing in Beacon makes some of the best sours I’ve ever tasted. They tend to have more candy notes (they made one over the summer that tasted like Pixy Stix), but holy shit I can easily house like 6 of them in one quick sitting
This is the best thing I’ve seen all day
That’s what I heard, and that’s my biggest issue. Crash Mode for me made the game. Causing mayhem in that little enclosed area made it a great combo of puzzling and controls.
I never had a PS3, just a 2 and now a 4, so I never played Paradise.
I’m not complaining. I’m currently ensconced in Hitman, Wolfenstein 2, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart, AND I’ve got Sexy Brutale, FF9 Remastered, and Mario v Rabbids on deck. I need time to work my way through these games, dammit!
God, I would love a new Burnout. Burnout 3 is one of the greatest games I’ve ever played and is curiously unloved for the most part
I mean, there’s no good way to do it. I should have prefaced EVERYTHING by saying I’m a dude, but there was one time where my dad and I were driving, and he took it upon himself to be as sex-positive as he thought he should be. Which for him meant that he started telling me about how great masturbation is when you’re…
Yikes on bikes, that’s a rough start. If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t get laid until sophomore year of college
She fucking rocks. She’s a trip, but my mom kicks ass
This is the same woman who once slopped spaghetti and meatballs on to my plate, and IMMEDIATELY asked “So, do you know about the clitoris?”, so no, it was basically just like that. My face fell right off my skull
What’s worse is that they ALREADY TRIED THIS with the Brooks Heritage line. There’s a reason they folded the Heritage line after, what, two years of trying?