Mad Dog Brut

When I was 16, while my class was dead in the middle of Sex Ed in southern Indiana (so, seeing pictures of third stage syphillis, watching videos of childbirth, etc: basically the limpest my dick has ever been), my mom told me I should have lots of sex before marriage so I knew what I was doing when I finally did get

In a league of terrible color commentators, he stands head and shoulders above the rest. If we had a just and loving god, Jon Gruden would have been born without a mouth

Hi Heather, I noticed you’ve got a typo above. You called Tetra Master “addictive” when in fact it is not, and is the worst part of FF9. I don’t normally correct the writers, but in this case it seemed glaring enough to warrant correction

This song is trash on fire, but Love Me Like You Do is fucking unlistenable. Ellie Goulding needs to go the fuck back to Blandland or wherever it is she’s from

Jesus this is good

Girlfriend gave me a Switch for Christmas, and then immediately downloaded Enter the Gungeon on it so she can play while I’m involved in a game on the PS4 (oh hey Matt! I was BoomShaka on the old AVC boards, so you might remember Gungeon has been a theme in 2017). But I’ve also got Marios Odyssey and Kart for it for

Isn’t “incel-baiting” just what incels do every night?

Did anyone cache this video? Looks like the OP deleted it

There’s an older Jalop post about why you shouldn’t do that, but the short answer is that it wears down the springs and arms a lot more quickly than if you just leave them down and defrost naturally

Damn. You fucking nailed it

Listen, I get it. I’m sympathetic to the long-suffering Falcons fans who are basically the Browns fans of Atlanta. But they utterly fell apart in pieces in the Super Bowl. They had the best chance possible to stop the evil empire and they blew it

I’m not going that far (it’s utterly necessary for peppermint bark), but white chocolate creme egg sounds GROSS

I’ve got a serious sweet tooth, and creme eggs are too sweet for me. I can’t even imagine what a white chocolate creme egg would be like. I’m guessing you get diabetes immediately

So stupid. +1

Same. Seen them more than any other band, including a fucking shredding set in a tiny club in Jersey City where his parents were in the audience. They played the first encore they’ve ever played too!

My order of sympathetic teams goes:

I’ve already got my Rainier Wolfcastle image copied and ready to go for the first northeasterner to start asking stupid questions

This has been happening since Howard Dean left the DNC chair. He was the last major Dem that I can remember who recognized the importance of the state level. Wasserman Schultz put the Dems 20 years behind the 8 ball, and we will STRUGGLE to catch up in the future unless Perez gets his ass in gear

I would have said seersucker

Damn, when you put Littlefinger in the title, I thought Aidan Gillen was coming for The Root or something. Calling Tucker Carlson Littlefinger is giving him way too much credit; he’s more like Robert Arryn