Mad Dog Brut

Well, saying that this is a close community goes directly against all of the cloudyellers running around in the comments (fwiw, I was on the AVC boards for a long time under a different name), and I think giving someone with no av the benefit of the doubt in that sense is a bit of a stretch. Not denying the shittiness

See, I get this. You’re looking to change your opinion if possible. What I don’t get is why someone would drop in just to boo and hiss

Oh, I completely understand WHY he’s doing it. But the essential ignorance of his conspiracy-minded sheep (who you’d THINK would at least be aware of this shit) is what aggravates me


I . . . I love this. As a fan of steampunk design without being a fan of steampunk CULTURE, this could be what tips me over the edge.

This makes no sense. I want your badge and gun on my desk in five minutes

I don’t know why, but “Ajit Pai is a fuckboy” is my second favorite meme

Cool, thanks for this incisive thoughtful commentary. I’m sure this will become a pivotal turning point in both our lives

I want to kiss you on the mouth for this profoundly perfect take

Rod Watson:

I’d hatefuck Ivanka. Like, a lot

The whole deep state argument completely fucking infuriates me, because the times that we have actually had evidence of a deep state operation, it’s always ALWAYS been the FUCKING CIA propping up/supporting fascists; take a look at them overturning the democratically elected Allende government. Here’s a fun little read

Ummmmm, wait a second. I’m CERTAIN I’ve seen packaged beer cheese in stores all over Wisconsin. It’s been a couple years since I’ve been through, but it was a mainstay of my childhood during football games, and my family immigrated to Wisco from Eastern Europe, with no stops in Kentucky.

The raw water isn’t pure in the sense that it’s had all its minerals stripped out, but that it actually retains all the minerals from its delivery system and are still in the water IIRC

Well, yes, let’s make fun of the people willing to spend huge amounts on rebranded well water because they have too much money. But I will not make fun of them for wanting to drink well water, because I would probably pay a decent amount to have the family well water at my fingertips

I will say: the well water at my family’s farm is BY FAR the best water I’ve ever tasted. I always fill up two water bottles to take with me whenever I go home. 

“Trump will not have a friend in Romeny should take Hatch’s seat.”

“young Tom Riddle complaining to his girlfriend about sand”

Calling this “Man of the Woods” is hilariously incorrect. JTim looks like he’s only ever gone glamping in Vail with an army of butlers and servants around him.

I think I’m going to miss this as much as I miss the Jamboroo when the NFL season is over