
Despite repeated warnings, I guess he didn’t eat his vitamins.
RIP to the MEANEST of Genes & the voice of my youth.

I love the lets negotiate at the end.

OMG had not heard this before. Move over Christmas in Holis... I have a new favorite hip hop holiday tune.

That is the most honest side eye Ive ever seen.
No pretense or showyness.  She truly is repulsed.

fuckin classic. as a kid when I saw this gag, I didnt get it, cause it met my expectation of exactly what I thought the Mayo was.

A few things I know:
My family member went to Mayo clinic recently. You have to apply to get in & be accepted. It is the most amazing comprehensive medical experience Ive ever seen/heard about. Really top notch care & a complete look at your health, not just specialists looking at (or for) reasons w/in their expertise.

Its ok to get beat, but dont let ‘im hiz-own-ya!
<<showing self out now>>

Just spittballing here, but Id easily pay $200 a seat for a tour with Her & Pink, in someway performing & just being awesome together.


Im a lifetime (30 years) Laker fan & I am loving this.
We have been such crap with no REAL sign of hope.
I enjoy this process as I feel like we both are “going to be fine” but I also am learning a lot about basketball watching this come together.

My 1 game conclussions are:
1. We have too many players. the critics are

This is really on point commenting!  nice job.

YES to Elaken.
OK = Keep up the great work , youre really killing it, and be careful in hollywood its a dangerous place.


You think your cool not having Triumph in here, right?
Thats what this is?  Youre being too cool cause Triumph is too “main stream” or are you just “owning the libs” or some other evil revisionist history plot to make a best of list that does NOT have Triumph in it?!?!?!?

Something I love about myself:
This isnt really directed at Serena, or Osaka, but also directed at both of them.

I love to tell professional athletes that they need to be stronger willed, deal better with adversity, and show persistence and grit.

Then I go play Overwatch or whatevs, get pwned by some headset jockey

So why exactly isnt this Burchett guy Secretary of Education yet?

Champions League founder Carl George

THIS is the best description of him I have ever read.

Dating is fine, just dont have an affair with her & try to pay her off cause it will keep you from... wait... huh, what?..... ok, I see.

 I still yell that at my son at the most inopportune times I can think of.  I like that I can share this with him, he is 11, though I have to FF through 1/3 of the show (jacking off & such).