
I cant possibly have a firm opinion on this, other than to say: I stopped listening to his podcast because I fealt he was insincere & was putting on an act.

This is EXACTLY and The ONLY man I want telling me bout them Tesla battrees.

“It looks like a Mason jar wearing a cape; a sort of Super Jar.”

not (knat?) true. He is very interested doing things for people... who will vote for him.

I love how she handled herself & this situation. Really a great example.

Im pretty sure the Russian guys said “I shoot him” at the end.
Which is great play calling, and quicker than plutonium.

I dont know about the Dark Ages, but in 1991 at the Paladium it was off the fuckin chain!

Cut JR TONIGHT. Like right now. In the hotel room. Give Jordan Brickson ALL of his minutes. Holy fucking shit I am so mad I cant even put my son to bed. And Im NOT a Cavs fan but was completely pulled into this game by LeBrons excellence and the effort that was being put out. I simply just cant believe that that slack

point taken. let us agree to agree. ;)

I too find this funny as its so uniquely Carroll but you have to love that he is doing this & taking a stand in a league & a time where there are no safe harbors for such a stand. Did he word is specifically so Goodell couldnt fine him? maybe. Did he go to great lengths to avoid words like Black and White and others

I agree she was good, but being batshit crazy doesn’t exactly distinct you in the pantheon of good actors of hollywood.
Its like saying: Sgt Peppers is a great album, especially considering they were plastered at the time.

Gwar too.

BUT they both sucked from a female wolfs titty. sorry: woman.

This is the guy that the NBA put in charge of the franchise, because they didnt like the other guy running the process on them. Just checking if memory serves...

In spirit, isnt branding yourself a slave while yelling female empowerment, kinda similar to gutting the EPA while yelling your the ecofriendliest ever? Forget it, I give up. Everything just sucks right now.

you beat me to my one clever thought today. oh well, +1 & back to work!

there, fixed it for ya

The focus on going 0-27, as if it was in a vacuum (dyson!) with no other influences, completely misses the point (just like the rockets did amiright???).

I almost want to create a burner account, just to double star this, for reference to not having the mamba mentality. lol. but Im just not THAT motivated, likely because I just dont have, well you know...

or President!