In Soviet Russia, bilge pumps you!
This is why the right to repair is so important, also check the warranty. (and the small print).
Now, back to LMM, his Disney-fied self can get forgotten real quickly, just as quickly as he was called a genius not so long ago
Yeah, sure ok. I mean, your objection is duly noted but I don’t think Lin Manual Miranda’s career trajectory is in peril despite the crying of various people who have nothing better to do then complain about everything
He wouldn’t be anywhere if it wasn’t for Brian Wilson being the main songwriter of The Beach Boys. He really only got the gig because he happen to be the Wilson's cousin. Not surprised he’s still a Trump supporter they both are shit stains.
Brian Wilson is a musician.
It is what it is...
Some people have no taste.
no, they still wont, the trump-ism idea, which predates and will survive him regardless is pure, disgusting, unvarnished selfishness, if their grandmothers were dying in a hospital bed crying out in choked sobs they would still be selfish jackasses.
Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.
they won’t. Remember, the thing fueling anti-mask protest is fear. People are terrified of the notion that an invisible disease can cut you down, so they double down on conspiracy theories or anything that says they don’t. have to be afraid.
So if he really did get it? Oh it’s not that big of a deal.
And (god hoping) he…
Live, Laugh, Gun Kelly.
Now I’m imagining them married and living in a quaint, suburban home with a mailbox labeled, “The Gun Kellys."
“Education informs you about how little you know so that ignorance doesn’t become a shield for uncomfortable subjects and truths you’d rather deny.”
What’s more, these viral posts and conspiracies try to build in “protections” against dissenting thought by reinforcing the idea that objecting to the ideas they’re presenting is a result of the conspiratorial forces they’re trying to expose. And instead of stepping back and seeing the rabbit hole, a lot of people…
Those interior images are not renders. They may be retouched to make the colors pop and the background look interesting, but I sat in the exact car that they used for the photos.
Approximately one (1) metric fuck ton
And the played out “looks like an Accord/Camry/Fusion/Altima” with the side profile shot just because it has a trunk and 4 doors.