
Finally an on record recognition that the underhanded, granny style free-throw of the 50's WOULD dominate todays game! Im looking at you Deandre.

He had some straight MAGIC he pulled off last night. Wow. BUT, as I watched with wifey, each of those amazing plays just drilled home my conclussion that they werent going to win, namely because he worked so hard and the damn Warriors would score with relative ease. Even though it was “back & forth” for a while, I

that would be.... Toxic!

The NFL has the weirdest labor relations of any league. Its like the players dont know they are a scarce commodity & unified have leverage. They have literally punitive terms in place relative to all other sports leagues: No guarantee pay for non elites, getting flat cut, healthcare, mandatory requirements,

But its working so well for Venezuela...

It sucks, but there are shitty people in the world.
Also, he couldnt be more wrong. Shes basically the definition of strength & beauty put together (though this article didnt bring up her looks, I just added that in there, so at least Im a self aware sexist maybe?).
Would be great if she challenged him to an arm

Thank God for the Players Tribune!

Sorry, but looks like something you take a Wiz in.

Im a long time Angels fan & one of my only remaining baseball joys is telling people “Im going to watch the greatest player of all time”, when I go to games, cause ya know, we suck. It especially irks my yankee fan friends.
But hey, heres hoping we actually do something this year. Never say never...

Players used to get better in their late 30's ALLLLLLL the time. Sheesh.

How many wins do the Angels have? Thats his WAR.

Q: Whos the second best player on the Spurs?

H: But honey, its been a while. We need to do this tonight, daddys gotta get his lovin. Come on, why do you always have a headache?

I liked this. nice, candid, to the point, fealt honest. also a little snap shot in time effect. cool & thanks.

I know Im supposed to be smarter than this, but for me: tonights performance & his total Josh Hamilton approach to the game completely invalidates all he did well this year.

lolz my reverse mortgage

He is definitely suffering from problems of abundance.

Whats to comment, you said it at the end there.

Yes, but was it from @realDonaldTrump?

GREAT rant. I especially love (and use this myself at work!) the comment of: IM not a numbers guy, but allow me to make a clearly thought out argument that is about numbers. I love that move. And then he makes it personal at the end, him vs. Pop. Next Level!!!!