Mad Dr. Ama

That said, I can’t blame him in general for telling a heckler to STFU. 

And tea! Tea with non-dairy milk is usually gross.

Yes, but dammit, we COOK with it. Let’s see you make all your lovely baked goods, sauces, and mac n cheese dishes without it!

A homemade bottle of Calvados from a family friend in Brittany.

This really puts into perspective how insufferable the internet really is.

“I have zero regards for your furniture, my African-american friend.”


“Up and atom!”

Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.

Damn. I always thought Richard Sherman was a smart, thoughtful guy. This “unwritten rules” and “respect for the game” shit coming out of his mouth is a huge bummer. You do expect that from the numbnuts Nick Bosas of the world, though.

Pretty? Shit no wonder you bitch ass crackers are so hard up. You think that piece of trailer trash is pretty? She’s like your mom, a practice girl.

Okay what are the odds he’s room temperature by Saturday? So these gang members are getting more time than Amber Guyer? They should cancel his ass for that alone.

The huge, the performative forgiveness, etc...that was bad enough. The thing that really made this maddening is that he just offered from nowhere that he didn’t want her to go to jail.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? This forgiving negro shtick needs to fucking stop! This bitch deserves every bit of derision and scorn people can muster. This kind of shit is why white people demand forgiveness even though they haven’t done a goddamn thing to earn it!

Man, here I thought I had to eat it raw.

Generally the e-coli and any other harmful bacteria in meat is killed by a process called “cooking”

Because the Lollipop Guild is full, short stack.

Counterpoint: Dressing nicely might score you a free upgrade (but very likely won’t), while dressing comfortably is a sure bet.